Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Mystery of Diocletian's Palace: A Hidden Past Unveiled Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/hr/episode/2025-01-12-08-38-20-hr Story Transcript:Hr: Snijeg je pokrio Split, no Dioklecijanova palača bila je i dalje puna života.En: Snow covered Split, but Diocletian's Palace was still full of life.Hr: Zimska atmosfera donijela je poseban šarm starim rimskim zidovima.En: The winter atmosphere brought a special charm to the old Roman walls.Hr: Luka i Mateo stajali su ispred Srebrnih vrata, diveći se ljepoti palače.En: Luka and Mateo stood in front of the Silver Gate, admiring the beauty of the palace.Hr: Luka je držao misteriozno pismo u ruci.En: Luka was holding a mysterious letter in his hand.Hr: "Mateo, moramo to istražiti", rekao je Luka, oči mu sijaju od uzbuđenja.En: "Mateo, we have to investigate this," Luka said, his eyes shining with excitement.Hr: "Jesi li siguran?En: "Are you sure?Hr: Možda je to samo šala", Mateo je odgovarao skeptično.En: Maybe it's just a joke," Mateo responded skeptically.Hr: Pismo je sadržavalo šifrirane upute, pisane rukom.En: The letter contained encrypted instructions, written by hand.Hr: Upućivalo je na skriveno blago unutar palače.En: It hinted at hidden treasure within the palace.Hr: Luka je želio otkriti što se skriva iza tih riječi.En: Luka wanted to uncover what lay behind those words.Hr: "Tko zna, možda pronađemo nešto nevjerojatno", nestrpljivo je rekao Luka.En: "Who knows, maybe we'll find something incredible," Luka said impatiently.Hr: Hodali su uskim ulicama palače, dok su turisti bučno obilazili znamenitosti.En: They walked through the narrow streets of the palace while tourists noisily toured the landmarks.Hr: Zvukovi harmonike pomiješali su se s pričama vodiča.En: The sounds of an accordion mixed with the stories of the guides.Hr: Luka i Mateo slijedili su tragove iz pisma, pokušavajući ostati neprimijećeni.En: Luka and Mateo followed the clues from the letter, trying to remain unnoticed.Hr: "Idi polako, ne želim da upadnemo u nevolju", Mateo je upozorio, ali Luka nije mario.En: "Go slowly, I don't want us to get into trouble," Mateo warned, but Luka didn't care.Hr: Svaki trag ih je vodio dublje u manje istražene dijelove palače.En: Each clue led them deeper into the less explored parts of the palace.Hr: Topli zrak misnog tamjana nosio je blagdan Bogojavljenja, dok su crkvena zvona zvonila u daljini.En: The warm air of incense carried the Epiphany celebration, while church bells rang in the distance.Hr: Odjednom, opazili su čudnu figuru koja ih je promatrala.En: Suddenly, they noticed a strange figure watching them.Hr: Bilo je nešto tajanstveno u njegovom pogledu, kao da i on zna za pismo.En: There was something mysterious in his gaze, as if he also knew about the letter.Hr: "Mateo, vidiš li i ti njega?En: "Mateo, do you see him too?"Hr: " Luka je šapnuo.En: Luka whispered.Hr: "Da, ali drži se blizu", Mateo je odgovorio, pokušavajući sakriti nervozu.En: "Yes, but stay close," Mateo replied, trying to hide his nervousness.Hr: Tragovi su ih vodili u osamljeniju komoru.En: The clues led them to a more secluded chamber.Hr: Zidovi su bili hladni, tišina je bila gusta.En: The walls were cold, the silence was thick.Hr: Čudna figura slijedila ih je unutar.En: The strange figure followed them inside.Hr: Konačno su se suočili.En: Finally, they confronted him.Hr: "Što želite?En: "What do you want?"Hr: " Mateo je upitao, pokušavajući zvučati hrabro.En: Mateo asked, trying to sound brave.Hr: "Vas dvojica ništa ne razumijete", rekao je stranac.En: "You two don't understand anything," the stranger said.Hr: "Pismo sadrži povijesnu tajnu.En: "The letter contains a historical secret.Hr: Nema izgubljenog zlata, već izgubljenog znanja.En: There's no lost gold, but lost knowledge."Hr: "Zajedno su nastavili s potragom.En: Together they continued the search.Hr: Luka je postao svjestan važnosti onoga što rade.En: Luka became aware of the importance of what they were doing.Hr: Mateu je privukla ideja pustolovine, iako nije bilo materijalnog bogatstva na kraju.En: Mateo was drawn to the idea of adventure, even though there was no material wealth at the end.Hr: Našli su dokument, drevni spis o povijesti same palače.En: They found a document, an ancient manuscript about the history of the palace itself.Hr: Luka je bio oduševljen.En: Luka was thrilled.Hr: To je bilo neprocjenjivo otkriće.En: It was an invaluable discovery.Hr: Mateo je pogledao Luku i rekao, "Vrijedilo je.En: Mateo looked at Luka and said, "It was worth it.Hr: Možda i ja mogu uživati u pustolovinama sada i onda.En: Maybe I can enjoy adventures now and then."Hr: "Oboje su napustili palaču s nečim dragocjenim - ne samo povijesnim znanjem, već i novim razumijevanjem što znači riskirati i otkriti.En: Both left the palace with something precious—not just historical knowledge, but a new ...