
  • Talking About Our True Nature
    In this episode of No Expectations, Andrew nurses a bite from a lost dog. As he tends to his wound, his mind wanders to the deeper questions of life, sparking a profound yet lighthearted conversation with Jen. Together, they peel back the layers of everyday existence to reveal the essence of our being. With each anecdote and shared laughter, they explore the idea that perhaps our true nature is not so different from that of the dog—instinctual, present, and full of unconditional love. They ponder the Zen concept that we are all connected, each of us a unique expression of the universe experiencing itself. As the episode unfolds, Andrew and Jen invite listeners to consider the masks we wear and the roles we play. They delve into the notion that beneath the surface, we are all beings of light on a journey of discovery, learning to embrace our vulnerabilities and celebrate our shared humanity.
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    36 分
  • Karma and The Story of the Hiking Poles

    Join Andrew and Jen in this enlightening episode of No Expectations, where the cosmic scales tip between spirituality and comedy. As they unravel the mysteries of karma, Andrew ponders whether his missing socks are a sign of past misdeeds, while Jen shares a rib-tickling tale of her hiking pole - an unexpected teacher of life's stickiest lessons. They'll explore karma's twists and turns, leaving you to wonder: is it fate, or just really bad luck that Jen's pole always finds the only mud puddle on the trail? Tune in!

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    25 分
  • What's The Purpose of This Life?

    Jen brings the big question to Andrew in this episode of No Expectations. What is the purpose of this life? Is life different than existence? The gang discusses a big topic in this short episode.

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    12 分
  • The Importance of Aloneness

    This episode of “No Expectations” delves into the profound realms of solitude and self-discovery. Drawing inspiration from Andrew's Medium article “The Solitary Journey of the Spirit,” we explore the nuanced differences between loneliness and aloneness and the transformative power of embracing solitude. Join us as we discuss how the solitary journey can lead to spiritual growth, personal enlightenment, and a deeper connection with the self. Tune in to uncover the treasures within our own company's quietude.

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    27 分
  • Is Your Spiritual Journey Moving Backwards or Forwards

    The journey is unique for everyone, and there’s no one-size-fits-all answer. But by asking, “Am I progressing or regressing?” we open ourselves up to deeper understanding and a renewed commitment to our spiritual development. In this episode of No Expectations, we delve into the ebbs and flows of the spiritual journey. Are we moving forward, or are we slipping backward? Join us as we explore the markers of spiritual progression and regression, sharing personal anecdotes and insights from various spiritual traditions. We’ll discuss the importance of self-reflection, the role of challenges in growth, and how to recognize when we’re stuck in a rut. Whether you’re a seasoned spiritual seeker or just starting to explore your path, this episode offers valuable perspectives on staying aligned with your spiritual goals. Tune in to reflect, reassess, and reinvigorate your journey.

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    28 分
  • Say Yes to Everything (Within Reason)

    This episode discusses embracing the uncertainty of life and delves into the profound realization that life’s unpredictability is not a hurdle but a path to meaningful experiences. Hosted by Andrew H. Housley and Jen S., this episode encourages listeners to let go of the burden of unattainable expectations and to live mindfully and intentionally. Through unedited, thought-provoking discussions, they share insights on wellness, mindful living, spirituality, yoga, and Zen philosophy, empowering you with the wisdom to navigate life’s uncertainties with grace and positivity.

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    22 分
  • Intuition - 6 Tips on How to Trust It

    In this episode of No Expectations, we delve into the power of intuition and how to harness it effectively in our daily lives. Join us as we explore six practical tips to help you trust your gut feelings and confidently make decisions. From understanding the difference between intuition and impulse to learning how to quiet the mind for more precise insights, these strategies will empower you to tap into your inner wisdom. Whether facing a crossroads in your career or personal life or wanting to become more attuned to your subconscious cues, this episode is your guide to living more intuitively. Tune in and start trusting your intuition today!

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    24 分
  • Are You Living or Just Surviving?

    In this episode, we explore the meaning and purpose of life beyond the daily grind of work and survival. We discuss how to break free from the cycle of busyness and consumption that often leaves us feeling empty and unfulfilled. We also share some practical tips and strategies to help you pay more attention to what really matters, and live a more mindful and intentional life.

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    27 分