• Episode 15: Public Speaking Anxiety & Fear of Being Noticeably Nervous: High Performance Use of Beta Blockers

    All too often I encounter patients who have become overly dependent on prescription medication for their social and performance anxiety. A common problem scenario is over-dependence on beta blockers. While this dependence is more psychological than physical, the results can be devastatingly negative. Frequently prescribed for stage fright and performance anxiety, they can be effective in blocking adrenaline surges. The philosophy in The Berent Treatment Method for performance anxiety is that when used occasionally in high risk situations this is productive for healing. But; when over-adapting via beta blocker dependence occurs there is minimal opportunity to learn and implement the adrenaline control technique. This is because the technique is based on adrenalin acceptance and you have to feel that which you want to control. This interview describes productive integration of beta blockers into the treatment process.

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  • Episode 14: Public Speaking Anxiety & Fear of Being Noticeably Nervous: Public Speaking Anxiety Resolved by "Gifted Salesman"

    Robert described his anxiety upon initiating treatment with the following: “As I approached the boardroom I would experience a spiraling effect. I was having bad recurring experiences with anxiety which were getting worse with each challenge. It was horrible because when I was on a speaking cycle of every 2-3 months the anxiety was worse because of the build- up. I never ran from the challenge. I continued attacking but my mechanisms were not working”. Robert’s success in treatment was very much based on his core work revolving around his “walk of shame” concurrent with his implementation of the paradox-based adrenaline control methodology.

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  • Episode 13: Public Speaking Anxiety & Fear of Being Noticeably Nervous: Perfectionism, Public Speaking Dysfunction and Burnout

    Perfectionism is a symptom of obsessive compulsive personality disorder. It is a characteristic of insecurity. The rigidity of perfectionism inhibits flexibility, performance and productivity. It causes “burnout”, which is mental exhaustion, and depression.. “Lauren”, a straight A student at an Ivy League College and high level businesswoman, describes her challenge and path to healing.

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    9 分
  • Episode 12: Public Speaking Anxiety & Fear of Being Noticeably Nervous: Social Anxiety: The Real & Untold Story - A Deep Clinical Dive

    Welcome. This is Jonathan Berent. I’m going to tell you the real story about social anxiety. You are not going to hear the real story anywhere else. I guarantee you that! This is a deep dive into a complex subject the reality of which remains very misunderstood… so let’s get clinical!

    KENDRA age 46, mother of two, is a world renown physician who has headed numerous clinical trials and has saved many lives. She suffered from public speaking anxiety disorder. You may want to listen to her interview which is on the podcast. It’s titled “World Renown Physician Describes Her Cure from Public Speaking Anxiety Disorder”. Mike age 26, a college grad spends most of his life in his room. He doesn’t work, is socially paralyzed, and spends over 100 hours a week with various technology dependencies. His parents walk on “eggshells” for fear of triggering his anger. This has resulted in long- term enabling of what has become an addiction to avoidance.

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  • Episode 11: Public Speaking Anxiety & Fear of Being Noticeably Nervous: College Athlete Resolves Social Anxiety and Obsessive Disorder

    “Jack”, a standout golfer, discusses the process by which he resolved his conversation anxiety, social avoidance, and obsessive perfectionism. His healing journey started when his parents initiated treatment when he avoided going to a cocktail party during school vacation. He never would have initiated treatment on his own. His anxiety was driven by his fear of sweating and conversation challenges. With his anxiety under control he proactively advanced his career and social life.

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  • Episode 10: Public Speaking Anxiety & Fear of Being Noticeably Nervous: Pharmaceutical Rep Resolves Chronic Public Speaking Phobia and Fear of Being Noticeably Nervous

    “Bill” had achieved a relatively high level of success in sales relying on one to one scenarios and spontaneous interactions with physicians in hospitals. Career pressure and advancement required that he face the anxiety scenarios that he had been very adept at avoiding; group presentations and meetings. In fact he had been avoiding job opportunities due to his anxiety, which he described as “anelephant sitting on my chest when trying to talk”. He had gone to a psychiatrist for help, but did not like the medication route. In this interview he discusses his high performance learning curve which was characterized by confidence implementing the paradoxical technique required for psycho-physiological control and management of sweating and blushing.

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    12 分
  • Episode 9: Public Speaking Anxiety & Fear of Being Noticeably Nervous: "Discovering Self-Nurturing after Decades of Self-Help & Therapy"

    “Richard”, a successful businessman and dedicated family man describes his “core” work of self-acceptance that had been eluding him after experiencing “every type of motivational technique from positive thinking to programming your unconscious”. His long term struggle with social anxiety grew out of his “conflict with authority figures and his father”. He had lived with his “unauthentic self” stating that his many previous attempts at self-help and therapy dealt with this concept in a “cursory manner”.

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  • Episode 8: Public Speaking Anxiety & Fear of Being Noticeably Nervous: Performance Anxiety and Hyper-hidrosis Resolved Without Medication: Successful Lawyer

    Hear “Kevin”, a successful lawyer describe insightfully how he learned to resolve his hyperhidrosis-driven public speaking anxiety and fear of being noticeably nervous. He describes how he controlled his “internal critical script”, which in turn stopped his sweating during a business meeting. While learning to control his “perfectionism” he states “I stopped trying to be perfect and focused on being the best I could be”!

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    12 分