
  • from a Man's Perspective with Jeff Later

    In this week's new podcast episode, I'm joined by a special guest to talk about something I don't often talk about on Code Red: Men.

    My guest's name is Jeff Later, and I've known him for years. He's a pro body builder, fitness coach, and lifestyle coach.

    To look at him, you'd likely assume that he only works with bodybuilders.

    But the reality is, he works mostly with men and women over forty, with sixty-five percent of his clients being female (because women, in general, are more open to receiving instruction than are men).

    Jeff and I have talked before about the state of our country's health, and Jeff recently shared a thoroughly researched (and scary) statistic with me: The fathers of today's men had more testosterone than today's men do; and their grandfathers had even more.

    In fact, society-wide, we've seen severe declines in testosterone and other hormones (in both men and women).

    Women have testosterone, too, and in both men and women, it influences muscle mass, longevity, mood, libido, and MORE (when it's present in the proper amounts for each gender).

    After hearing about this from Jeff, I invited him onto this podcast episode to talk about men.

    Yes, ninety-three percent of Code Red's clients are female...

    But if that's you, you also interact with men and have them in your life.

    Maybe there are even men in your life who aren't very healthy, and you wish you knew how to reach them.

    If so, be sure you tune into this week's podcast episode, where Jeff and I will talk about society's view of men, women's interactions with and attitude towards them and how it affects their hormones, plus hormones in general and MUCH more.

    Listen to this episode to get a unique perspective that will help you AND may help you help the men in your life reclaim their health.

    Plus, you're gonna hear a ton of health and wellness facts you won't hear in the mainstream medical world or your Facebook news feed.

    Connect with Jeff Later:
    Website: https://collective.musclemasterymethod.com/coaching
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jefflater/

    Join the 10 Pound Takedown Challenge - Lose your first, next, or last 10 pounds!!
    With absolutely NO pills, powders, shakes, or exercise required.

    Connect with me!
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CodeRedLifestyle/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cristycodered/
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/cristycodered
    Website: https://coderedlifestyle.com/

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    49 分

    I've been to Europe eleven times and traveled all over the world during my boxing career.

    And one thing I saw over and over is that in most European countries (not all, but most), obesity is very rare.

    One of my Certified Coaches recently asked me why that is. Meaning, why are Americans so much heavier than most Europeans?

    Well, one reason is that Europe has banned most of the gross chemicals we pack into our foods (especially our processed foods).

    They also don't do GMOs or add inflammatory seed oils to everything.

    Even fast food restaurants like McDonald's have fewer ingredients and fewer chemicals in their "food."

    But all that is just the tip of the iceberg.

    In this podcast episode, I'm diving into the reasons most European countries are not as fat or sick as we are in the U.S.

    The reason I'm focusing on most is an eating style known as grazing...including what it is and why it adds to our obesity and disease.

    Tune into this episode for the full scoop on why grazing is the enemy. Plus, learn more about why most Europeans don't battle their weight like we do in the U.S.





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    続きを読む 一部表示
    39 分

    Last month, I took Hazel to detection training school in Canada.

    I did it because Hazel is a working dog. A Belgian Malinois.

    Belgians are the most agile, heroic, and (potentially) lethal dog breed on the planet.

    That's why law enforcement agencies use them as detection and apprehension dogs.

    Hazel was too small and too sweet to officially work for law enforcement, which is one reason I decided to adopt her.

    But she's still a Malinois, and she's not built to be a family pet...

    Which is why I signed us up for detection training school...so I better understood how to give her what SHE needs, as a Malinois.

    The detection class itself was really fun, but going to Canada was an expensive, exhausting pain in the butt in pretty much every way.

    Seriously, there were plenty of reasons NOT to go...like the money (I spent thousands of dollars on the class, the travel, and the Airbnb I stayed at), like being gone from home for too long, and like having to get up at 4 AM to get my work done before the class started.

    But I did it all anyway, and even though it really kicked my butt, I'm SO glad I did it.


    Because I might not get the chance again.

    What if the training company shuts down?

    What if the world situation changed, and I couldn't fly to Canada?

    What if my schedule got even fuller, and it got even MORE inconvenient to make the time?

    I get how easy it is to justify postponing stuff because you assume you'll get another chance.

    But as I share in this week podcast episode, one day you WON'T have the chance.

    Tomorrow is not promised.

    And if you keep waiting for "one day," you may "one day" yourself into missing out entirely...including the chance to be healthy, slim, and strong.

    Tune into this episode for motivation to clean up your health NOW, while you still can.\





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    29 分

    While I was in Calgary a few weeks back, I got coffee from the drive-thru of a coffee shop called Tim Horton's.

    On the way out of the drive-thru, I spotted a sign that said, "See you tomorrow."

    Not, "Have a nice day" or "Thank you for your business," but "See you tomorrow."

    On the one hand, it's kinda brilliant. It plants this little seed that you should come back tomorrow, and does it in a subtle way so you don't feel like you're being told what to do.

    But in some situations, getting someone to come back is one of the WORST things you can try to do.

    And if you're a customer who keeps going back, you could be doing yourself more harm than good in these certain situations.

    Watch this episode to find out why, including why and when YOU should think twice about "going back tomorrow."





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    35 分

    There are three months out of the year when a higher than normal percentage of people try to lose weight.

    It's interesting to see how many people mindlessly fall into the pattern of waiting until one of these three months.

    So why is it even an issue?

    Because when you wait for them (even if you don't realize that's what you're doing), you're programming yourself for failure...

    Just like you are when you think you should wait until Monday, or until you're not on your monthly cycle, or until some other outside circumstance falls into place and life is perfect.

    The reality is that you're ready when YOU decide you're ready.

    When you get yourself to that point, nothing will stop you.

    I know because I see it all the time.

    To find out what these three biggest months for weight loss are, and more importantly, how to avoid the unconscious trap of thinking you should wait for one of them to get your weight and wellness under control, tune into this episode!





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    41 分
  • Sales at all COSTS

    This week’s episode is about how to avoid “sales at all costs” companies that don’t care about your success.

    Here’s an example of what I mean.

    On July 7, a guy pulled out in front of me. I couldn't stop in time and T-boned him, leaving me without a vehicle.

    I decided to buy a Toyota Land Cruiser FJ40, as I'd always wanted a vehicle like that, and it's a good vehicle for summer.

    I found one in Lake Tahoe, bought it, and made arrangements with a car transport company to drive it to me in Boise.

    The transport company told me they'd get it to me in one to three days, and it would cost over $600.

    😬 Sheesh, but I agreed to their terms, because it might cost me that much to fly down there and drive it back myself.

    Well, one day passed, and nothing.

    Then two days passed. Still nothing.

    I called them to make sure everything was going okay, and they said they were still looking for a driver.

    They also suddenly clarified that when they said they'd get it to me in one to three days, they really meant they'd "try" to.

    THEN they said, "If you really want your rig picked up, we can do a 'guaranteed' pick-up, but that will be double the price."


    They also told me it would be extra because my FJ40 had a winch on the front.

    But here's the real kicker.

    When they told me about their "guaranteed pick-up," they said they'd "give it the old college try."

    Uh no. I ain't paying you $1500 for a "college try." It's either a guarantee or it's not.

    I ended up paying someone local (and unaffiliated with this company) to drive down and get the FJ40 for me.

    I was telling Andrea (Code Red's Director of Coaching) about all this, and she said, "Yeah, so many companies out there will do ANYTHING to make sales at all costs, even if it means destroying the long-term relationship with their customers."

    THAT is exactly why you've gotta be careful about stuff that sounds too good to be true (like magic shots or gimmicks that promise you don't have to make any changes to get and keep the weight off).

    Some companies have zero problem telling you whatever fantasy they think you wanna hear in order to get you to buy their crap.

    There are plenty of GOOD companies out there, too.

    Tune into this week's podcast for tips on how to tell the difference between the ones that care and the ones that don’t.





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    続きを読む 一部表示
    32 分

    Picture this.

    You're following the program and doing well. Then you make a bad choice and set yourself back.

    And instead of getting right back on track, you abandon the program entirely...because if you can't do it perfectly, you aren't gonna do it at all.

    I see this mindset in a lot of people. It's called the all or nothing mindset, and it is NOT your friend.

    Case in point: This week's podcast guest, Lory Stobart, lost 205 pounds in 18 months on the Code Red Lifestyle™...

    Which she NEVER would have done if she'd given in to the all or nothing mindset.

    If you beat yourself up and quit when you make a mistake or a bad decision, tune into this episode and hear why leaving behind the "all or nothing mindset" is your ticket to FINALLY getting and keeping the weight off.





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    30 分

    I talked to my cousin, Hannah, a few weeks ago at a family wedding and invited her onto my podcast as a guest...because she's a teacher and youth pastor who figured out how to make Code Red work for her.

    Before she started Code Red, Hannah’s bones would crack when she got out of bed. She was in pain, and it was difficult to lift things and squeeze herself between the desks in her classroom.

    Hannah’s journey with Code Red actually started after a dream she had last year (2023). In her dream she had lost all the weight she was carrying and became pregnant (fertility is part of her health journey).

    Hannah told me the Lord gave her that dream...so when a friend encouraged her to care for her health, she decided to sign up for the Code Red Lifestyle™.

    She started on March 4, 2023, and says she's never looked back.

    If you're a teacher, nurse, caregiver, or someone with any kind of crazy schedule who struggles to make Code Red work for you (or you flat-out think you can't make it work), tune into this episode to hear how Hannah committed to Code Red and made it work...even in spite of her doubts and insecurities around whether she could (or would) stick with it.

    You'll also hear about Hannah's inner transformation, including how she went from people pleasing to confidently saying no (without hurting people's feelings).


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    Connect with Hannah: https://www.instagram.com/happilyeverutler/

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    59 分