• Ageing Positively: Meditation and Mindfulness Techniques

    Today I’m joined by social psychologist and mind-body medicine specialist, Dr. Theresa Skaar who shares her major life shift from corporate burnout to becoming a mindfulness advocate and educator.

    We explore the complexities of ageism, the power of narrative in our perception of aging, and the mind-body connection. Dr. T also shares practical techniques to reduce stress, and burnout and cultivate self-awareness, whether through traditional meditation or integrating mindfulness into everyday activities.

    Join us as we discuss her personal and professional journey, the fascinating intersection of aging and mindfulness, and the importance of self-discovery in living a vibrant, fulfilling life.

    Whether you're new to meditation or looking to deepen your practice, this episode is packed with insights and actionable advice. So, get comfortable, take a deep breath, and let's begin!


    06:58 Change is scary but necessary for finding purpose.

    12:31 Mindfulness involves non-judgmental awareness

    18:22 Biases in healthcare can limit older adults' activities.

    29:10 Allow space to grieve for better transition.

    31:46 Burnout limits inspiration; mindfulness helps find balance.

    35:47 Breathing and guided meditations reduce stress significantly.

    41:42 Prioritize self-reflection amid distractions for personal insights.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Expand Your Mindfulness Practice – Understand that meditation isn't a one-size-fits-all practice. Explore alternative forms such as running, biking, or even washing dishes to integrate mindfulness into your everyday routines.
    • Shift Perspectives on Aging – Combat ageism by acknowledging and grieving the challenges of aging while fostering a hopeful and inquisitive attitude toward the future.
    • Engage in Self-Discovery – Embrace the journey of self-awareness by taking small, incremental steps to follow intuitive insights. Practicing gratitude genuinely and being present in the moment can lead to profound personal growth.

    Connect with Dr. Theresa Skaar

    Social Media: Dr.Theresa_B_Skaar

    Mindful Aging Workshop: https://drtheresa.myflodesk.com/agingmindfully
    Use code SHIFT at checkout for a 20% discount.

    Free Meditations with Dr. T on Insight Timer: https://insig.ht/0GevDfAPYMb?utm_source=copy_link&utm_medium=live_stream_share

    Links Mentioned:

    QUIZ: Are You Blocking Your Success



    Visit the Shift or Get Off the Pot Website: ShiftOrGetOffThePotPodcast.com

    Keep in Contact! Visit Kim's Website: KimKelleyThompson.com | Email Kim: Kim@KimKelleyThompson.com

    Follow Kim Thompson on Social Media: Instagram (@KimKelleyThompson) | Facebook

    Production House: Flint Stone Media
    Copyright of Kim Kelley Thompson 2024.

    続きを読む 一部表示
    55 分
  • Breaking Free: Practical Steps to Achieve New Results

    We've all heard the saying, "When the going gets tough, the tough get going," but why is stepping out of our comfort zone so challenging, even when we know it's essential for personal growth?

    In this episode, we explore the mental barriers that hold us back, such as fear of failure, fear of change, and fear of the unknown. We'll also discuss practical steps to break these barriers, set new goals, and push ourselves toward a higher potential. Whether it's rekindling your passion, committing to daily small changes, or facing your fears head-on, this episode will help you transform into the person you're meant to be.

    Stay tuned for insightful tips and inspiring examples to start your journey of self-reinvention! Remember, even the tiniest acorn can grow into a mighty oak. Listen now and learn how to make that shift!


    00:00 Success requires actionable steps aligned with vision.

    06:05 Change is hard due to ingrained behavior patterns.

    07:47 Intertwined, manageable fears: change, failure, unknown.

    12:07 Face fears daily; surround with supportive people.

    Key Takeaways

    🔹 Identify and Confront Internal Resistance: Change requires letting go of parts of yourself that no longer serve you. It's easy to visualize a new future, but acting on it involves confronting the parts of you that are hesitant to change.

    🔹 Set Clear and Evolving Goals: Re-evaluate your goals continuously. Make sure they still hold significance, and don't be afraid to set new ones that resonate more with your current aspirations.

    🔹 Small Steps Lead to Big Changes: Even minor adjustments, like changing your daily routine, can help break familiar patterns and stimulate growth. Commit to trying something new every day, whether it's a new hobby or a different way to tackle old problems.

    5 Steps to Ignite Change:

    1. Set new goals 🎯
    2. Do something out of the ordinary each day – drive a different route, brush your teeth with your other hand, put your shoes on the opposite of your usual way! 🌅
    3. Learn a new skill or hobby 🎨
    4. Face your fears head-on 💪
    5. Surround yourself with growth-minded people

    Links Mentioned:

    QUIZ: Are You Blocking Your Success



    Visit the Shift or Get Off the Pot Website: ShiftOrGetOffThePotPodcast.com

    Keep in Contact! Visit Kim's Website: KimKelleyThompson.com | Email Kim: Kim@KimKelleyThompson.com

    Follow Kim Thompson on Social Media: Instagram (@KimKelleyThompson) | Facebook

    Production House: Flint Stone Media
    Copyright of Kim Kelley Thompson 2024.

    続きを読む 一部表示
    17 分
  • The Psychology behind Synchronicities and Their Influence on Your Reality

    Today is your lucky day, could it be a sign?? Well maybe, because today's episode is all about synchronicities, from a psychological, spiritual and scientific view.

    Have you ever experienced those moments in life that seem too perfect to be mere coincidence? Maybe you were thinking about an old friend, and they suddenly reached out. Or perhaps you were stuck on a decision, and a clear sign appeared out of nowhere. In this episode, I explore the fascinating world where spirituality, psychology, and even quantum physics intersect to explain these seemingly random, yet deeply meaningful events.

    From personal anecdotes to scientific theories, learn how to attract these synchronicities into your own life and use them as powerful tools to manifest your dreams and desires. Tune in, because whether you're seeking guidance, answers, or just a bit of magic, today's show might be coming into your life at just the right time. Let's get started!


    00:00 Synchronicities: unexpected coincidences guiding decisions and encounters.

    06:18 Jung linked synchronicities to meaningful psychological and scientific connections.

    08:14 Align thoughts, attract synchronicities guiding goals.

    12:45 Pay attention to synchronicities; they're universal connections.

    Key Takeaways:

    🔍 Set Clear Intentions: Clearly define what you desire. Our focused thoughts and intentions play a pivotal role in attracting synchronicities that align with our goals.

    👂 Raise Your Awareness: Be perceptive to the signs and symbols around you. Often, the universe communicates in subtle ways; it's our job to stay present, curious, and alert.

    🙏 Trust the Process: Synchronicities often happen when we least expect them. But they are always happening. Trust that they will come at the right time for you.

    🙌 Express Gratitude
    : Synchronicities occur when we least expect them. Trust in the timing and express gratitude for these moments, signaling your readiness for more.

    Links Mentioned:

    QUIZ: Are You Blocking Your Success



    Visit the Shift or Get Off the Pot Website: ShiftOrGetOffThePotPodcast.com

    Keep in Contact! Visit Kim's Website: KimKelleyThompson.com | Email Kim: Kim@KimKelleyThompson.com

    Follow Kim Thompson on Social Media: Instagram (@KimKelleyThompson) | Facebook

    Production House: Flint Stone Media
    Copyright of Kim Kelley Thompson 2024.

    続きを読む 一部表示
    19 分
  • Achieving Financial Independence: Strategic Retirement Contributions, Business Entities & Money Beliefs

    On today’s show, I’ve brought our financial expert, Jill Romig back to talk about several critical financial topics, from the influence of limiting beliefs on money attitudes to smart retirement planning strategies.

    Jill shares the nuances of various business entities, highlighting the benefits and challenges of sole proprietorships, LLCs, and S Corporations. She also stresses the importance of separating personal and business finances, managing retirement contributions wisely, and the value of consulting financial experts like CPAs and CFOs.

    With practical insights on optimizing retirement savings, leveraging business credit cards, and using virtual assistants to enable you to focus on money-making activities, this episode is packed with essential advice for business owners and individuals alike. Tune in to learn how to guard your thoughts, focus on opportunities, and develop a robust financial strategy. Let's get started!


    00:00 Choose business entity based on profit, taxes.

    06:01 S corporations avoid double taxation; C corporations don't.

    14:11 Optimize 401K custodian changes to year-end.

    18:35 CFO and CPA support essential, avoid billable queries.

    20:58 Consider credit cards for better business benefits.

    26:08 Contribute raises to 401k, especially with employer match.

    31:32 Delay Social Security benefits; maximize yearly increase.

    36:17 Contribution limits depend on earnings, setup, state laws.

    38:20 Outsource minor tasks; focus on high-earning activities.

    Key Takeaways

    Overcoming Limiting Beliefs About Money: – Tips on reshaping your financial mindset by creating positive associations with money. Get inspired by the "money tree" exercise designed to instill abundance thinking in her kids!

    The Importance of Strategic Retirement Planning – Understand why maximizing employer contributions to 401k plans and considering Roth vs. traditional IRAs are essential for your future. Learn about the 2023 contribution limits and the advantages of delaying Social Security benefits.

    Leveraging Business Entities & Professional Insight – From sole proprietorships to S corporations, learn how different business structures can impact your tax liabilities and profits. Plus, discover how a CFO or CPA can steer you clear of costly mistakes, ensuring the financial health of your business.

    Connect with Jill: www.jillromig.com

    Social Media: @jill_romig_cpa

    Book a Consult with Jill

    BOI Link Mentioned:
    Beneficial Ownership Information

    Links Mentioned:

    QUIZ: Are You Blocking Your Success



    Visit the Shift or Get Off the Pot Website: ShiftOrGetOffThePotPodcast.com

    Keep in Contact! Visit Kim's Website: KimKelleyThompson.com | Email Kim: Kim@KimKelleyThompson.com

    Follow Kim Thompson on Social Media: Instagram (@KimKelleyThompson) | Facebook

    Production House: Flint Stone Media
    Copyright of Kim Kelley Thompson 2024.

    続きを読む 一部表示
    53 分
  • Effective Techniques to Revitalize Your Spirit and Achieve Your Goals

    Feeling stuck and need your mojo back? Many of us feel like we’re in the muck at various times in our lives. Whether life’s challenges have drained your energy or a barrage of responsibilities have scattered your focus, it’s perfectly normal to lose your spark now and then. In this episode, I share personal experiences and practical steps that can help you reignite your passion and get back on track. From asking yourself the right questions to creating a challenge like my 30-day fix, we’ll explore effective ways to boost your motivation and productivity. So, get ready to tune in and transform that feeling of 'Ugh' into action and inspiration!


    00:00 Getting mojo back: feeling inspired again.

    04:43 Ask questions to shift from fear to positivity.

    08:35 Use upbeat music to enhance energy and creativity.

    11:51 Self-reflection and inspiration fuel your progress.

    13:00 Helps stay on track; share your experience.

    Key Takeaways:

    Identifying the Cause

    • Asking why you're feeling this way
    • Physical versus emotional reasons

    Strategies to Get Unstuck and Find Inspiration

    • 30 Day Fix
    • Asking Key Questions
    • Visualizing Success

    Finding What Inspires You

    • Identifying activities that inspire and energize you
    • Maintaining focus without spreading too thin

    Using Music to Shift Energy

    • Uplifting power of music
    • Connecting with the end goal while listening to music

    Creating Deadlines and Challenges

    • Importance of deadlines
    • The 30 Day Fix challenge

    Link Mentioned:
    THE 30-DAY FIX

    Links Mentioned:

    QUIZ: Are You Blocking Your Success



    Visit the Shift or Get Off the Pot Website: ShiftOrGetOffThePotPodcast.com

    Keep in Contact! Visit Kim's Website: KimKelleyThompson.com | Email Kim: Kim@KimKelleyThompson.com

    Follow Kim Thompson on Social Media: Instagram (@KimKelleyThompson) | Facebook

    Production House: Flint Stone Media
    Copyright of Kim Kelley Thompson 2024.

    続きを読む 一部表示
    19 分
  • Ideal Reads for Cultivating an Abundant Mindset and Achieving Success

    Today I share some of my all-time favorite books that have been pivotal in my personal and professional growth. Topping the list, we have "The Science of Getting Rich" by Wallace Waddles, "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind" by T. Harv Eker, and "The Greatest Salesman in the World" by Og Mandino. These books emphasize cultivating an abundant mindset and understanding the power of belief, gratitude, and visualization.

    I explain why these books are so transformative, and walk you through the commonalities of the books and the process that helped shape my life and business success. Dive in and start transforming your mindset to achieve success in every area of your life. Happy reading!


    00:00 Sharing my favorite books that influenced success.

    03:16 Beliefs shape decisions, actions, and financial outcomes.

    07:36 Belief is key to success and collaboration.

    10:19 40-day prosperity plans, mindset shifts, money value.

    13:07 Books on personal development and life principles.

    Key Takeaways

    Abundance Mindset is Key – Books like Wallace Waddle's The Science of Getting Rich emphasize the importance of positive thinking, clear intention, and gratitude. Your belief system directly impacts your financial success.

    Mindset Shapes Wealth – T. Harv Eker's Secrets of the Millionaire Mind introduces the concept of a "money thermostat." Understanding and adjusting your internal settings about money can break financial ceilings.

    Transformative Power of Self-Awareness – Effective personal development is rooted in self-awareness. Recognize and overcome limiting beliefs through methods discussed in these insightful books to create transformative change in your life.

    Recommended Books

    1. Wallace Waddle's The Science of Getting Rich
    2. T. Harv Ecker's Secrets of the Millionaire Mind
    3. John Randolph Pierce's The Abundance Book
    4. David Cameron Gikandi’s Happy Pocket Full of Money
    5. Og Mandino's The Greatest Salesman in the World
    6. W. Clement Stone's Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude

    Previous Episode Mentioned
    Dopamine Hits Rewarding Your Brains Path to Achieving Goals

    Links Mentioned:

    QUIZ: Are You Blocking Your Success



    Visit the Shift or Get Off the Pot Website: ShiftOrGetOffThePotPodcast.com

    Keep in Contact! Visit Kim's Website: KimKelleyThompson.com | Email Kim: Kim@KimKelleyThompson.com

    Follow Kim Thompson on Social Media: Instagram (@KimKelleyThompson) | Facebook

    Production House: Flint Stone Media
    Copyright of Kim Kelley Thompson 2024.

    続きを読む 一部表示
    16 分
  • Essential Financial Strategies for Small Business Sustainability

    Today we are talking about money! Specifically, the crucial world of financial management for entrepreneurs, small businesses, and salespeople. My good friend, CPA, CFO, and Business Coach, Jill Romig joins me to share her expertise on creating a strong financial foundation. Jill gives insights and tips on stretching your dollar, minimizing financial risks, and maximizing financial profits! We discuss the risks of using personal funds for business expenses, the necessity of separating personal and business finances, and the benefits of delegating financial tasks to experts.

    Jill also highlights the importance of filing the BOI form under the Corporate Transparency Act, and the rising trend of fractional CFOs. Whether you're struggling to manage your cash flow, grappling with financial stress, or just looking to optimize your business finance strategies, this episode is packed with valuable insights. Plus, Jill provides steps and resources—like her Loom video tutorials—to help you stay compliant and financially healthy. So, let's get started and unravel the complexities of financial management with Jill Romig!


    08:27 Hire experts, monitor cash flow, check reports consistently.

    12:22 Businesses need reliable systems, trusted financial oversight.

    18:30 Ensure bookkeeping accuracy and establish internal financial controls.

    21:43 Having a CFO demystifies dealings with CPAs.

    25:49 Ignoring KPIs causes burnout and stagnation.

    29:22 Delegating tasks improved efficiency and time management.

    37:00 Team coordination and segregation minimize business risks.

    Key Takeaways

    • Partition Your Finances – Keeping personal and business finances separate is essential for clear accounting and tax processes. Commingling funds can create unnecessary complexities and potential risks.
    • Employ a Fractional CFO – For businesses not large enough for an in-house CFO, a fractional CFO can provide the expertise needed to maintain and grow financial health without the full-time commitment.
    • Embrace Delegation – Allowing trusted financial experts to handle bookkeeping and accounting tasks frees you up to focus on high-value activities, minimizes burnout, and ensures detailed financial oversight.

    Connect with Jill: www.jillromig.com

    Social Media: @jill_romig_cpa

    Book a Consult with Jill

    BOI Link Mentioned:
    Beneficial Ownership Information

    Links Mentioned:

    QUIZ: Are You Blocking Your Success



    Visit the Shift or Get Off the Pot Website: ShiftOrGetOffThePotPodcast.com

    Keep in Contact! Visit Kim's Website: KimKelleyThompson.com | Email Kim: Kim@KimKelleyThompson.com

    Follow Kim Thompson on Social Media: Instagram (@KimKelleyThompson) | Facebook

    Production House: Flint Stone Media
    Copyright of Kim Kelley Thompson 2024.

    続きを読む 一部表示
    50 分
  • How to Harness Fall Energy to Achieve Year-End Goals

    Hard to believe but we are closing in on the end of the year! We’re in September already and if you have some goals that you’ve set for yourself and you’re now thinking, “What the heck? I thought I’d be further ahead than I am right now, what's going on?” Well, today’s episode is for you!

    This episode is all about taking decisive action, especially now, as we approach the end of the year. With just four months left, fall is the optimal time to reassess your goals, make concrete plans, and take the necessary steps to achieve them.

    I share a seven-step process I use to help my clients achieve their goals. This process will help you get clear, prioritize your tasks, and stay on track. I’ll also tell you about a funny incident from my childhood that taught me a valuable lesson about my goals and the importance of doing the work yourself. So, grab your PDF guide from the show notes, and let’s dive into making these last few months count!


    00:00 Set smaller quarterly goals for sustained motivation.

    05:34 Action clarifies priorities and refines your goals.

    09:37 Pencils and memories.

    12:48 Hello where are you??

    14:24 Angels and the importance of self-reliance through challenge.

    18:09 Review results, adjust weekly, take action, celebrate.

    Key Takeaways

    • Importance of Fall as a Productive Season – Fall is naturally a productive time as we transition from the relaxed summer months. Many companies ramp up activities, and it's an excellent time for personal momentum too.
    • Creating a Clear Plan – Break down big goals into smaller, manageable tasks. Prioritize these tasks, allocate resources, and set deadlines. Clear planning equates to decisive action!
    • Action and Motivation – Actions create data, which fosters clarity and alignment with your goals. Celebrate small wins to keep your motivation high and make necessary adjustments along the way.

    Download the PDF Guide Mentioned in this Episode:

    Links Mentioned:

    QUIZ: Are You Blocking Your Success



    Visit the Shift or Get Off the Pot Website: ShiftOrGetOffThePotPodcast.com

    Keep in Contact! Visit Kim's Website: KimKelleyThompson.com | Email Kim: Kim@KimKelleyThompson.com

    Follow Kim Thompson on Social Media: Instagram (@KimKelleyThompson) | Facebook

    Production House: Flint Stone Media
    Copyright of Kim Kelley Thompson 2024.

    続きを読む 一部表示
    23 分