• Why Shifting From Focusing on What You DON’T Want to Focusing on What You DO Will Change Your Life
    What you focus on is always going to be what you create for yourself. When you learn to bring your awareness to what you’re thinking about, and talking about, and worrying about, and getting excited about, you can see where you’re placing your focus in your life. And once you see this, you then get to CHOOSE whether you want to continue on in what you’re currently experiencing or focus on something different. YOU are a powerful creator and in this episode, I share my own story about how I created exactly what I wanted for myself in my life as a stay-at-home mom-of-three. Take a listen, then come sign up for a free discovery call at my Instagram bio under joryancoaching .
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  • How Your All-Or-Nothing Thinking is Holding You Back From What You Know You’re Meant To Do Alongside Your Motherhood
    All-or-nothing thinking comes up a lot for SAHMs - namely in telling us we just can’t do what WE want to do because everything will fall apart if we do. In this episode, we look at the good news behind why your brain goes to thinking this way, and how you can work WITH it to go for what you want alongside your motherhood. Take a listen and then come sign up for a free discovery call at www.joyfullmamacoaching.com .
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  • The Secret to Happiness for SAHMs in Two Simple Steps
    This week’s episode is inspired by the song ‘Follow You’ by Imagine Dragons after I heard within the lyrics the simple two-step secret to happiness for SAHMs. Take a listen to stop hiding from yourself what you already know in your body to be true, even as your mind pushes you to reason you way out of believing it. And then come sign up for a free 20-minute discovery call to find out if working together on building your self-esteem so you can do what you were always meant to do alongside your motherhood is right for you. www.joyfullmamacoaching.com
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  • Feeling Frustrated at Your Messy Life? How to Come Out Of It Without Adding More to Your To-Do List
    We’re all trying to make motherhood easier - by researching tips, tricks and hacks on the internet and looking for systems someone else has created that are guaranteed to transform our lives from messy to mastered. But the thing is, we already know everything we need to know; there’s just one thing we don’t want to DO…and that’s to feel the feelings that are bound to come up when we start to approach trying to make a change in our lives at home. In today’s episode, we explore why we would WANT to feel those feelings and the benefits of being in the discomfort of doing so - so that we can truly accept where we are now AND move forward with the changes we want to make. Take a listen and then come sign up for a free discovery call at www.joyfullmamacoaching.com .
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  • Why Mother’s Day Disappoints and What To Do About It
    It can be disheartening or even devastating when Mother’s Day doesn’t go as you hoped - especially when you see other moms being so lovingly celebrated on social media, while you’re left with nothing. In this episode we look at why Mother’s Day so often disappoints, what it really means for you, and what you can do about it. Listen in, then come sign up for a free discovery call with me at www.joyfullmamacoaching.com .
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  • Why You Don’t Put Yourself to Bed On Time and What’s Needed to Start
    We all know that good and sufficient sleep is important for our health and wellbeing, and we also know we’re not the only ones out there depriving ourselves of sleep through our bedtime procrastination - or in other words postponing going to bed without there being any external circumstances that force us to do so. In this episode, we explore why we do it and what the real solution is - and it doesn’t involve being stricter with ourselves or being more disciplined! Take a listen, and then come sign up for a free discovery call with me at www.joyfullmamacoaching.com .
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  • Stay-at-Home Mom Guilt and Money: What It’s Really About
    When we’re feeling guilty about not contributing financially, this is often not about the money at all. There IS a gap here, but it might not be monetary; instead it could well be about the gap between your expectations of stay-at-home motherhood and your reality as you’re now living it. Listen to today’s episode, which explores this gap, your resentment towards your partner, and the information it gives you about your longing for something more, and then come sign up for a free discovery session at my website: www.joyfullmamacoaching.com
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  • Why Beating Yourself Up for Running Late Will Only Ever Keep You Running
    When we’ve been rushing and running late for many years, we see this as part of our identity - just WHO we are. But this is not who we are, it’s how our nervous system is responding to a perceived danger or threat, and we can help ourselves by bringing ourselves back to a feeling of safety. Learn more at www.joyfullmamacoaching.com .
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