
  • Monday, January 22nd Southern California 7 Day Surf Forecast

    Here's your So Cal 7-day surf forecast starting from tomorrow. 

    Tuesday 23rd, there will be a decent West North West swell in the morning, and a new round building in the afternoon. It will offer similar heights to today – waist to chest high for most, and possibly head-high+ at winter standouts. Expect conditions to be promising, with lighter winds in some regions, especially during the later morning till midday.

    Wednesday 24th, we forecast a fresh round of West North West swell to peak, with light wind for most of the day. Size will be up a couple notches from the start of the week, with better winter breaks pushing into the waist-chest, occasionally head-high zone. Variable to light offshore winds in the morning and fairly light onshore flow in the afternoon will ensure favourable surfing conditions.

    By Thursday 25th, expect the pulse of West North West swell to continue. The swell might be similar in size and longer in period offshore, but will bear a more northern direction.

    Friday 26th, a swell from a strengthening storm to our North is predicted to arrive, keeping size at a similar to slightly smaller size range for average breaks.

    Saturday 27th, we expect a smaller, yet fun zone West North West swell. Today might see some moderate Santa Ana winds adding a touch of crispness in the morning.

    On Sunday 28th and Monday 29th, expect the swell's pattern to remain active. We anticipate storms developing North of Hawaii and tracking into the North Pacific to cause fun-sized swells over the weekend.

    Wednesday 24th and Thursday 25th are your best bets this week, thanks to the buildup of the West North West swell combined with favourable wind conditions. 

    That’s your SoCal 7-day surf forecast. Make sure to hit like and subscribe for more updates.

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  • Tuesday, January 16th Southern California 7 Day Surf Forecast

    Here's your So Cal 7-day surf forecast starting tomorrow. 

    On Wednesday 17th, expect a decent West North West swell, pushing through to Thursday. Wave sizes will range from knee-waist high for most locations, with shoulder high surf at standout spots such as Ventura, the South Bay, and San Diego. There'll be light wind conditions in the morning, turning westerly in the late morning and afternoon.

    Rolling into Thursday, the surf's up a bit more with another West North West swell joining the party. Most surfers at better breaks can expect waves in the chest-shoulder high range. Breaks in Southern Ventura, the South Bay, and South San Diego will enjoy the best swell, hitting head high to slightly overhead. Winds are expected to shift to a mild onshore breeze by midday. 

    As we move into Friday the 19th, we're looking at a slow fading but still entertaining West North West swell. Conditions might turn cloudy with possible rain towards the weekend.

    The weekend has a big swell on the horizon. A mid to longer-period West North West swell fills in on Saturday, with a peak on Sunday, promising a consistent head high surf at many spots and easily overhead waves at better breaks. 

    For the following Monday and Tuesday, it's all about winding down from the big weekend swell.

    From all the forecasts, Thursday 18th, and Sunday 21st will be the two best surf days based on surf height and conditions.

    That's your surf report. Stay safe out there and remember to like and subscribe to our forecast for your daily updates! Enjoy the surf!

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  • SPECIAL TEST! Sunday, January 14th Long Island 7 Day Surf Forecast

    Here's your 7-day surf forecast for Long Island, New York, starting Monday, January 15th:

    Monday, January 15th: Surfing conditions will be quite subdued. Expect fading Southwest windswell with a small amount of mid-period easterly swell. Wave heights will be minimal, not exceeding 1 foot. The surf will be cleaner, but overall, it's a slow start to the week.

    Tuesday, January 16th: Continuing with small and uneventful surf conditions. The wave height remains at 1 foot or less, with light Northeast winds early in the day. Conditions are mostly unfavorable for any significant surfing activity.

    Wednesday, January 17th: A slight improvement is expected by Wednesday afternoon with a small to modest swell filtering in. However, the surf is likely to stay under waist high, offering limited opportunities for good surfing.

    Thursday, January 18th: Similar conditions to Wednesday. The surf will likely remain modest, under waist high, with little change in swell activity.

    Friday, January 19th: This day marks the beginning of an upturn in surf conditions. There's a potential for a stronger nor’easter type system, which could bring a healthier mix of swell, elevating the surf quality.

    Saturday, January 20th: The surf conditions continue to improve, potentially offering the best surfing experience of the week. Expect a good mix of swell from the nor’easter system, with higher wave heights and better form.

    Sunday, January 21st: The conditions begin to settle down, with the swell direction becoming less favorable. However, there might still be some residual swell from the previous days' activity.

    The best days for surfing in this forecast period are Friday, January 19th, and Saturday, January 20th, with the likelihood of a more substantial swell and improved wave conditions.

    Remember to always check the latest surf reports before heading out and stay safe in the water. And don't forget to like and subscribe for more updates and forecasts. Happy surfing!

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  • Sunday, January 14th Southern California 7 Day Surf Forecast

    Here's your So Cal 7-day surf forecast starting tomorrow.  

    On Monday the 15th, enjoy knee to waist high surf with a possibility of chest high waves in top San Diego spots. Expect the waves to gradually taper off but morning conditions should be clean, great for an early surf. 

    Tuesday the 16th will bring a small decrease in surf. Expect knee to thigh high waves at most locations and waist high waves at southern San Diego. Morning will be clean with light winds, but the mid-day high tide might slow down the small surf at many locations.

    On Wednesday the 17th, things start to pick up again as a refreshing wave of North Pacific swell moves in bringing knee to waist high surf at many places and chest high sets at winter standouts. 

    On Thursday the 18th and Friday the 19th, expect the surf to slowly fade but not without bringing decent waves which should be enough for a good surfing session. 

    The best is set for the weekend. Saturday the 20th and Sunday the 21st bring along healthy mix of mid to long period swell, with consistent head high surf and larger waves at standout locations. The morning wind conditions on these days also seem to be favorable. 

    Looking to the days ahead, consistency seems to continue with a similar size shot of swell around 24th - 26th. So, keep your boards waxed and ready. 

    Highlighting the two top days to surf, it appears the upcoming weekend is a winner with consistent head high surf and the possibility of overhead surf in certain locations on Sunday the 21st.  

    Remember to like this forecast and subscribe for daily updates. Happy surfing!

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  • Thursday, January 11th Southern California 7 Day Surf Forecast

    Here's your So Cal 7-day surf forecast starting tomorrow.

    Friday the 12th will have playful, cleaner leftovers. We can expect a mostly clean start to the day with offshore wind across most of Southern California. Excpect waves in the waist-stomach high range with lingering chest high sets.

    Moving into the weekend, Saturday the 13th has smaller but clean leftovers. Some breaks may even dip below the waist high mark, making it an ideal morning for the beginners.

    On Sunday the 14th, we will start seeing a new round of longer period NW swell. We expect just a subtle lift in size from Saturday but with favorable conditions. 

    Monday the 15th will see size creeping up just a touch further as conditions continue to remain favorable. 

    Tuesday the 16th and Wednesday the 17th will see a refresh of modest to locally fun zone NW swell holding surf sizes fairly steady. The average breaks offering waist-high surf, with chest-shoulder high sets at far-reaching winter standouts. 

    Thursday the 18th is set to be a good day, with more westerly swell likely bringing waves slightly overhead at west facing breaks. 

    The best days to ride the waves based on surf height and conditions would be Friday the 12th and Thursday the 18th. 

    Stay tuned for more updates and forecasts. Don't forget to like and subscribe for daily forecasts. Happy surfing!

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  • Wednesday, January 10th Southern California 7 Day Surf Forecast

    Here's your So Cal 7-day surf forecast starting tomorrow. 

    On Thursday, January 11th, there's stronger NW surf but onshore WNW wind will affect the quality at most breaks so it's worth heading out if you see a window. You can expect average breaks at chest-head high as focal points push overhead. 

    Friday, January 12th, remains rideable in the waist-stomach high range in the morning with some larger sets for those that handle high tides. You can expect the swell to decrease in the afternoon. 

    Saturday, January 13th, bumps down slightly to chest max at west-facing spots due to some fading swell. 

    On Sunday, January 14th, we see an increase to head high waves at west facing breaks due to an incoming modest NW swell. 

    On Monday, January 15th, the waves look promising, ranging from chest to head high at west-facing breaks. 

    Tuesday, January 16th, the swell drops slightly, leaving waves at chest max at west facing spots. 

    Wednesday, January 17th, is about chest high at west facing spots. 

    Based on these forecasts, Sunday, the 14th, and Monday, the 15th look like to be the best days to surf with head high waves at west-facing breaks. 

    That's your So Cal 7-day surf forecast! Don't forget to like and subscribe for daily updates. Ride the wave and stay safe!

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  • Tuesday, January 9th Southern California 7 Day Surf Forecast

    Here's your So Cal 7-day surf forecast starting tomorrow.

    Wednesday the 10th brings with it a small to locally playful combo surf with sets up to chest-shoulder high at the best peaks in OC and northern SD. The first half of the morning will be best due to lighter winds and high tide conditions. 

    Thursday the 11th shows promising activity with good sizes showing across most of Southern California in the morning. Average breaks should see waves in the chest-head high range with focal points pushing overhead. 

    Friday the 12th continues with some nice surf, although swell is expected to drop later in the day.

    For the weekend, Saturday the 13th will see smaller conditions with waves at chest high maximum. On Sunday the 14th, however, things look up again with waves reaching head high at west facing breaks.

    Into the new week, Monday the 15th continues to impress with waves reaching chest to head high at west facing breaks. 

    Closing out the forecast, Tuesday the 16th sees waves dropping back to chest high maximum at west facing locations.

    The best days to hit the surf this week will be Thursday the 11th with its overhead waves and Sunday the 14th with decent head-high surf.

    That's all for this week's forecast. Don't forget to like and subscribe for more weekly updates. Enjoy the waves, surfers!

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  • Sunday, January 7th Southern California 7 Day Surf Forecast

    Here's your So Cal 7-day surf forecast starting tomorrow.

    We're anticipating a solid swell mix for Monday, with waist-chest high waves at most beaches, heading high to slightly overhead early on. Do be prepared for a crisp, clean morning with an offshore flow. There could be slight decline through the day, so it's a good day to hit the winter stalwarts early.

    Come Tuesday, expect a small, clean combo as the wind lightens. The swell mix continues to drop but we have a modest SSW swell blending in. This is bringing in waist-stomach high waves at average breaks, with some standout regions potentially pushing a bit higher. It's best to get in that morning session as the winds stay light until early afternoon.

    Wednesday sees a slight increase in size as a new, shorter period NW swell rolls in. This should create a fun little window at the inner bars of some beachbreaks early morning as the tide drops a bit.

    Thursday, we have potential for a storm, which could mean some decent shorter-period NW swell. We are still refining the details of this though, as the storm track can greatly affect the surf size.

    Friday may see a brief slowdown in longer period swell, but fear not. We are already keeping an eye on potential for stronger surf further into the month.

    Saturday looks to be chest high max at most west-facing spots, and Sunday wraps up the week with chest+ ground swell at west-facing breaks, winds are still in question though.

    Monday, January 15, so far seems to be lining up to be quite similar.

    From this week's forecast, the best days to catch some good surf seem to be Monday, January 8 and Thursday, January 11. 

    Make sure to like and subscribe for all your swell updates. Keep moving water side. Wow, it’s going to be a wild ride.

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