• The Analytical Preacher - Bible Discussions For The Modern World

  • 著者: Andy
  • ポッドキャスト

The Analytical Preacher - Bible Discussions For The Modern World

著者: Andy
  • サマリー

  • The Bible provides a way to validate that it is the true word of God and offers compelling answers and insights to living in our modern world. Dr. Daniell explores current topics with a rational, objective approach, providing enlightening and sometimes surprising answers from the scriptures. Each episode provides the biblical view of the subject in question along with explanations for those conclusions. Andy is the author of the book Clear Vision: How The Bible Teaches Us To View The World. He has been interviewed by World Christian Broadcasting about his book and been a guest on the On Faith’s Edge radio program. He has written religious articles for The Christian Standard magazine, The Christian Post and The Atlanta Journal.
    © 2025 The Analytical Preacher - Bible Discussions For The Modern World
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The Bible provides a way to validate that it is the true word of God and offers compelling answers and insights to living in our modern world. Dr. Daniell explores current topics with a rational, objective approach, providing enlightening and sometimes surprising answers from the scriptures. Each episode provides the biblical view of the subject in question along with explanations for those conclusions. Andy is the author of the book Clear Vision: How The Bible Teaches Us To View The World. He has been interviewed by World Christian Broadcasting about his book and been a guest on the On Faith’s Edge radio program. He has written religious articles for The Christian Standard magazine, The Christian Post and The Atlanta Journal.
© 2025 The Analytical Preacher - Bible Discussions For The Modern World
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  • The Equity vs. Equality Debate From A Biblical Perspective

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    19 分
  • The Biblical Worldview Of Economics: Is Capitalism Moral And Why Did Communism Fail

    What direction does the worldview provided by the Bible give us in terms of how societies should best structure their economic systems? Related to this topic is capitalism, as so many people claim, an immoral system which should be rejected by believers? And while all agree that communism has been a failure, how did Christians know communism was going to fail from the beginning? We cover all of that and more in this podcast. #biblicalworldview #bibleandculture #bibleandpolitics #bibleandcapitalism #bibleandcommunism

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    26 分

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