• The Equity vs. Equality Debate From A Biblical Perspective

    Should government policy focus on providing an equality of opportunity or work to ensure the equity of equal outcomes? More accurately, where should each standard be applied and why? And why do politicians focus so much attention on financial metrics? In this podcast, we answer these questions from a biblical standpoint and suggest more impactful measures than just those enlisting financial outcomes. #Bibleandculture #Bibleandpolitics #EquityEquality #Equityvsequality

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    19 分
  • The Biblical Worldview Of Economics: Is Capitalism Moral And Why Did Communism Fail

    What direction does the worldview provided by the Bible give us in terms of how societies should best structure their economic systems? Related to this topic is capitalism, as so many people claim, an immoral system which should be rejected by believers? And while all agree that communism has been a failure, how did Christians know communism was going to fail from the beginning? We cover all of that and more in this podcast. #biblicalworldview #bibleandculture #bibleandpolitics #bibleandcapitalism #bibleandcommunism

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    26 分
  • A Biblical Worldview: A Christian's Interaction With The Government

    What does the Bible teach us in regards to how believers should interact with a government that is non Christian? Scripture is very clear in its answer to this question and provides detailed steps for which every follower of God is responsible. In this podcast, we read and explain each of those scriptures. #biblicalworldview #bibleandculture #bibleandpolitics #bibleanddemocracy

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    19 分
  • A Biblical Worldview: What Is The Best Form Of Government

    Does seeing the world through a biblical lens cause a Christian to support or oppose democracy as a form of government? Does it cause us to support or oppose federalism, where different levels of government (national, state and local) work within different areas of responsibility? In this podcast, we provide an answer along with the biblical justification for that answer. #biblicalworldview #bibleandculture #bibleandpolitics #bibleanddemocracy

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    16 分
  • A Biblical Worldview: The Three Institutions God Ordained For Society

    The church is not the only institution which the Bible establishes and defines a role for. In fact, scripture teaches that God has also ordained the family and the government as institutions through which society is to be structured and managed. In this podcast, we discuss those three institutions and explain the God-given role for each.

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    14 分
  • A Summary Of The Foundations Of The Biblical Worldview

    In order to explain the world and how we are to engage in it and with it, a biblical worldview begins with descriptions of God's character and human nature. The understanding these foundational elements provide impacts how Christians view not only religion but also politics, science, philosophy, criminology, psychology and many other endeavors. In order to be truly fulfilled and well adjusted, we must grasp what scripture teachings about who God is, who humans are and pinpoint the way we are to interact with one another. #worldview #biblicalworldview #bibleandculture #bibleandpolitics

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    18 分
  • What Is A Worldview? What Is A Biblical Worldview?

    A biblical worldview is more than just a list of what God considers right and wrong. Though it incudes a moral framework, it is much more comprehensive. A biblical worldview answers all the grand questions of human existence, and does so better than any other philosophy, religion or ideology. As does any worldview, a biblical worldview addresses where we come from, if there is purpose and meaning to life, how we decide truth from error and how we accumulate and apply knowledge. #worldview #biblicalworldview #bibleandculture #bibleandpolitics

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    8 分
  • How Did The Centurion Amaze Jesus And Can We Do The Same?

    In Luke chapter 7, we are told that Jesus marveled at a Roman Military Leader (or that He was amazed by him). Why was Jesus amazed at this man? More importantly, what lesson can we take from this account so that our lives are lived in a similar fashion? #faith #christianfaith

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    10 分