• Episode 984 – FACT: Two Things Could Be True At Once
    There is a debate about whether and when AI content will be as good or better than human-generated content. I believe that it will always be a mix of both. Two Truths The two lists above (the binary choices and 3 options) were generated by AI. I rearranged and edited them to my liking so they fit better with the concepts I am trying to get across today. Although there are people in marketing who will use AI to generate content and post that as humans, I believe that both are needed, necessary, and can co-exist in marketing to help create awareness, educate, and generate sales. Artificial Intelligence compiles content that was primarily generated by humans, so it is both computer and human content. You can use AI to rewrite your human-generated content and use your personality and experience to enhance and add your signature to it. You can use AI to generate ideas and concepts that you can use within your personally written content. If someone is an expert in websites or social media, they will argue that they are more important. Then, people who work in the AI world will say that AI is faster and more cost-efficient than the human version of content creation.
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  • Episode 983 – Visual Impact – The Rights and Wrongs of Images In Marketing
    One of my all-time favorite jokes is about babies... "How many babies does it take to screw in a lightbulb?" "None - they neither have the cognitive or motor skills to perform such a task!" You could imagine a baby holding a lightbulb and trying to insert it into a lamp or socket. But if you wanted to see it, you could log into an AI image generator to create one. AI opens some interesting conundrums about the use of images. Who owns the copyright? What if you use a well-known person? Can you be sued? Images are assets. These assets can be bought and sold. What once was a free image that you picked up from free image sites like Pixabay or Pexels can be sold to a paid-for library. Those libraries can use tools like Google Lens or a metadata search to find that specific image. At this point, I feel safe creating images with Firefly because I have a paid account with Adobe for their creative suite and their Stock Images (two different accounts). I would not be as confident using anything I am not paying for. Even if you win the battle, you are spending your time trying to ward off what I consider an attack.
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  • Episode 982 – Best Of – Seconds… Chance Interactions
    If you manage your own or other business websites, I imagine you are using Google Analytics or another data manager to explore the traffic to your website. Generally, you measure how much traffic you get, how long people stay, and which pages or posts get the most traffic. Another key indicator is where the traffic is coming from. This includes organic search (Google searches), direct (typing or clicking a URL), referral (link from another website), organic social (multiple social media sites), and something called unassigned (catch-all for all others). I have seen customers and clients who pay attention to numbers that have little to no connection to reality. What I mean is, how can you tell when a human is really getting to your website and spending quality time? Google considers engagement as someone spending at least ten seconds on a page or post. Considering that is what most people need to read a headline, look at a picture, and decide if this is for them, that's a pretty low bar. Most content is posted once, and then forgotten. That assumes that it was only right for the audience who was following your business at the time it was posted. What you have is an asset. That asset can be reposted to social media more often than once. It could be posted 10-15 times and seen by a different set of eyes each time. That's what happens when I repost my Baconisms. I post the same 30+ image sayings every month. I see random comments and likes each month that I have not seen before. “Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It is already tomorrow in Australia.” – Charles M. Schulz In this episode, we will explore how to increase views on your content by the right audience... at the RIGHT times! . Want To See How To Market BETTER? - Click Here
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  • Episode 981 – The PATH to Profits
    I could easily take my old blogs and ask AI to rewrite them to reflect today's business environment better. That would certainly be faster than my two-finger typing, re-working sections, and asking a VA to proof and post, but would it or could it be more successful or effective? Most businesses will ebb and flow between profit and deficit, and you sometimes have to cut expenses to offset a deficit of profits. When it comes to marketing, outcomes are profits and content creation and distribution are part of the expense. As long as those outcomes lead to financial profits, marketing goes from being an expense to an investment. Businesses have a longer and more chartable P.A.T.H. to purchase. They go from Awareness to Engagement to Inquiry to Purchase. By chartable P.A.T.H., I mean there are data points you can track and measurably follow from send to sale.
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  • Episode 980 – All Marketing (and Sales) are Personal
    I was listening to a podcast interview with comedian Mike Birbiglia. I was not familiar with him, but I found his take on comedy interesting. He believes that comedians have a one-on-one relationship with their audiences. Social media and podcasts can help to create a more intimate relationship with fans. Some influencers lose that connection because they become an outsized version of themselves. They get lost in the audience's abyss and lose the connection with individuals. They become unapproachable. I find the same thing with marketing. We tend to lose sight of that one-on-one relationship and get lost in the abyss of the avatar. A comedian is selling entertainment with jokes. You, on the other hand, are selling profits or solutions through hardware, software, and services. As a sales and marketing organization, you need to craft a story around your products and services that will resonate with individual buyers. Getting potential customers to know, like, and trust you is a journey. Each has a unique place in the Customer Journey.
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  • Episode 979 – Why?
    I want to do something a little different today. I want to share with you my why. If you can figure out your why, I believe you are halfway to success. Simon Sinek tells us to start with why. But I believe that why is not all-encompassing and as simple as finding one why on your way to the top. I believe there are a series of whys. Why are you in or running a business? Why are you in the niche or market that you serve? Why do you offer the specific products or services you sell? The other thing I have found is that, over time, your why can change and evolve as you change and evolve. I believe that understanding the “why” questions and how others may perceive you is not only useful but critical in business. It can help you get a peek into how clients, prospects, and vendors may perceive you before you start to interact. Then, the rest is up to you to collect data from interactions.
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  • Episode 978 – Keeping The Main Thing… The Main Thing!
    How do you define success? Success is not measured like temperature with a static scale or counting system. It is an abstract system that is different for every person and business. With today's Attention Economy, you may think that likes and clicks are the most important metric. But I am here to tell you that profits are the main thing to measure in business. Profits come from sales. In this Attention Economy, companies are trying different tools and techniques to stand out. You have two invaluable assets that others don't have: relationships with your current and past customers and their contact information. In other words, you already have their attention! Creating USP messages and thought leadership content that is focused on those who already know you is faster, cheaper, and better than trying to snag the attention of people who don't already know, like, and trust you.
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  • Episode 977 – AI Machine Learning vs “I” Human Learning
    AI is machine learning. It's great for repetitive tasks. It collects knowledge and synthesizes it into useful compilations. AI machine learning can be predictable. “I” learning is what we do when we interact with people. It's as unpredictable as an amateur golf swing. Interacting with humans requires empathy, psychology, self-awareness, and patience. It is time-consuming and can have different results on different days. Interacting with people is how we do business. People do business with people, and although AI can help, it cannot replace human-to-human interaction. In the world of generating leads, social networks, and business in the post-pandemic economy, it's not just connections that matter. It's who you are connecting with and who they have in their networks that matter. It's your job to stay connected and keep you, your business, and your content and concepts top of mind with them. Active connections create relationships, businesses, and referrals.
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