
  • 147 : Finding Purpose After 25 Years in Corporate America with Mike Normant

    In this episode: Coaching Yourself Up, Self Awareness, Career Breaks, Financial Independence, Transformational Journey with Mike Normant

    Episode Summary
    In this episode, Adam Coelho welcomes Mike Normant to discuss the transformative journey of coaching oneself and the importance of self-awareness. Mike shares his personal experiences, including his career transition from engineering to human resources and the significant life events that led him to take a career break. The conversation explores the concept of financial independence, overcoming limiting beliefs, and practical strategies for enhancing self-awareness.

    Guest Bio
    Mike Normant is a leadership trainer and coach with a rich background in engineering and human resources. With over 25 years of corporate experience, he has focused on learning and development, employee onboarding, and coaching individuals to realize their potential through heightened self-awareness. Mike is passionate about helping others navigate their paths and has created training programs and written a book on self-coaching.

    Resources & Books Mentioned
    • Hudson Coaching Program
    • Esalen Workshops
    • Byron Katie's Four Questions

    Guest Contact Information

    Key Takeaways

    • Taking a career break can lead to significant personal transformation and self-discovery.
    • Financial independence is more about one's relationship with money than a specific monetary figure.
    • Self-awareness is crucial for personal growth and can be developed through mindfulness and reflection.
    • Limiting beliefs often stem from stories we tell ourselves; challenging these narratives can open new possibilities.
    • Coaching oneself up involves recognizing patterns and improving self-observation to enhance personal effectiveness.
    • The journey of self-awareness is ongoing and requires conscious effort to identify and change ingrained behaviors.

    Text Adam w/ comments or questions

    Whenever you are ready, here are 2 ways I can help you:

    1. Download my free One-Page Envisioning Exercise to think BIGGER about your life and what's possible for you.

    2. My next 8-week small group coaching program starts in September and space is limited.

    The first group SOLD OUT

    If you're at or nearing FI and finally ready to start living the next chapter of your life let's chat!

    At the end of my 8 Week FIRE Starter small group program you will:

    • Have a clear BIG vision for the next chapter of your life
    • Specific and tangible ways you’ve started living that vision

    If you're ready to get clear on your BIG vision for your next chapter

    Book a no-pressure curiosity call​ with me....

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    1 時間
  • 146 : Meditation : Creating Space For Possibility with Adam Coelho

    This guided meditation is all about creating space for possibility in the face of challenging situations in your life.

    While we all have challenging situations in life, I created this meditation for my 12,000 Google colleagues who were laid off last year and the thousands of other people affected by layoffs in the tech sector since then.

    I am grateful to still have my job but so many of my friends do not. These layoffs are a wake up call to all of us - a reminder of why it's so important to be intentional about your life and to build financial resilience to overcome challenging times.

    Overview of the practice

    • We begin by finding a comfortable and alert position, then taking three deep breaths to notice the breath sensation in our body.
    • We are practicing mindfulness and observing our thoughts in a kind and curious way.
    • Then we zoom out on our life a bit and bring to mind a challenging situation we are dealing with - a layoff, a divorce, death of a family member or pet.
    • We observe this situation with mindfulness, which is simply a kind, curious awareness
    • Then we shift to exploring what possibility might exist, however small, in this challenging situation.

    I sincerely hope this meditation is useful to you as you process the challenges you face and shift into embracing the possibilities life is presenting to you.

    Wishing you all the best on your journey.

    Text Adam w/ comments or questions

    Whenever you are ready, here are 2 ways I can help you:

    1. Download my free One-Page Envisioning Exercise to think BIGGER about your life and what's possible for you.

    2. My next 8-week small group coaching program starts in September and space is limited.

    The first group SOLD OUT

    If you're at or nearing FI and finally ready to start living the next chapter of your life let's chat!

    At the end of my 8 Week FIRE Starter small group program you will:

    • Have a clear BIG vision for the next chapter of your life
    • Specific and tangible ways you’ve started living that vision

    If you're ready to get clear on your BIG vision for your next chapter

    Book a no-pressure curiosity call​ with me....

    続きを読む 一部表示
    19 分
  • 145 : Leaving Google For A Mini-Retirement at 36 with Florence Poirel

    In this episode: Early retirement, Financial independence, Personal growth, Questioning societal expectations, Living a purposeful life with Florence Poirel

    Episode Summary
    In this episode, Adam Coelho speaks with Florence Poirel, who shares her journey of achieving early retirement after a decade-long career at Google. Florence discusses her discovery of the FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early) movement, the importance of understanding one's financial situation, and how her personal experiences shaped her perspective on work, money, and life goals.

    Guest Bio
    Florence Poirel is a former Google employee who retired early to pursue a mini-retirement and explore her passions. With over ten years in the tech industry, she has embraced financial independence and is dedicated to living a fulfilling life outside conventional career paths.

    Resources & Books Mentioned

    • Die With Zero by Bill Perkins
    • Build an Extraordinary Life course by the Donegans
    • 10x is Easier than 2x by Benjamin Hardy and Dan Sullivan

    Guest Contract Information

    • LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/florencepoirel/
    • Email: florencepoirel@gmail.com

    Key Takeaways

    • Understanding your financial situation is crucial to making informed decisions about retirement.
    • The FIRE movement encourages people to rethink their relationship with money and prioritize experiences over accumulating wealth.
    • Early retirement can provide the opportunity to explore new passions and relationships.
    • Societal expectations often pressure individuals to pursue conventional career paths, but it's essential to define personal goals.
    • Living a purposeful life involves aligning financial decisions with one's values and desires.
    • The journey to financial independence is personal and can lead to greater fulfillment beyond monetary success.

    Text Adam w/ comments or questions

    Whenever you are ready, here are 2 ways I can help you:

    1. Download my free One-Page Envisioning Exercise to think BIGGER about your life and what's possible for you.

    2. My next 8-week small group coaching program starts in September and space is limited.

    The first group SOLD OUT

    If you're at or nearing FI and finally ready to start living the next chapter of your life let's chat!

    At the end of my 8 Week FIRE Starter small group program you will:

    • Have a clear BIG vision for the next chapter of your life
    • Specific and tangible ways you’ve started living that vision

    If you're ready to get clear on your BIG vision for your next chapter

    Book a no-pressure curiosity call​ with me....

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    1 時間 1 分
  • 144 : Meditation : Taking In The Good

    Take a moment to appreciate how far you come in your life with this new guided meditation by Adam Coelho.

    So often people race from thing to thing trying mightily to reach their goal...

    But once they get there...

    They just look immediately past that goal to the next goal

    Never stopping

    Never fully appreciating:

    • How far they've come
    • All the things they've learned
    • All the things they've overcome
    • To be who they are

    Right here. Right now

    This practice invites us to take in the good and appreciate all the wonderful things we have done and achieved in our life.

    Meditation Overview

    • We begin by taking a moment to check in with yourself and to observe the sensations of breathing in your body.
    • I then encourage you to reflect on your life five years ago and all you've achieved since then
    • Then you'll explore something from the last 12 months that you are proud of
    • Finally, I remind you that your brain is predictive and that by paying attention to the good things in your life, you will be able to experience more of them

    Text Adam w/ comments or questions

    Whenever you are ready, here are 2 ways I can help you:

    1. Download my free One-Page Envisioning Exercise to think BIGGER about your life and what's possible for you.

    2. My next 8-week small group coaching program starts in September and space is limited.

    The first group SOLD OUT

    If you're at or nearing FI and finally ready to start living the next chapter of your life let's chat!

    At the end of my 8 Week FIRE Starter small group program you will:

    • Have a clear BIG vision for the next chapter of your life
    • Specific and tangible ways you’ve started living that vision

    If you're ready to get clear on your BIG vision for your next chapter

    Book a no-pressure curiosity call​ with me....

    続きを読む 一部表示
    17 分
  • 143 : Escape the Corporate Grind and Design Your Own Life with Matt Doan

    In this episode: Corporate success, personal well-being, overcoming challenges, reclaiming time, transformative strategies with Matt Doan

    Episode Summary

    In this episode, Matt Doan shares his journey from feeling trapped in the corporate world to reclaiming his life and designing a life on his own terms. He discusses the struggles he faced, including personal and professional breakdowns, and the strategies he implemented to regain control of his time and priorities.

    Guest Bio

    Matt Doan is a transformational coach who specializes in helping individuals escape the corporate cage and live life on their own design. With a background in technology consulting, he uses his personal experiences to guide clients in achieving balance and fulfillment in their professional and personal lives.

    Resources & Books Mentioned

    • "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" by Stephen R. Covey
    • "Daring Greatly" by Brené Brown
    • "Podcast: Uncage Yourself by Matt Doan || Episode 89: Building Your Corporate Offramp

    Guest Contact Information

    • Website: https://www.uncageyourself.fm/

    Key Takeaways

    • The corporate cage is a mental state that can be transformed with the right mindset.
    • It’s essential to prioritize personal well-being over corporate expectations.
    • Establishing a maintain path can lead to greater job satisfaction and unexpected promotions.
    • Understanding the incentive structures of your workplace can help you focus on what truly matters.
    • Designing your ideal workday is crucial for balancing personal and professional life.
    • Setting clear rules of engagement can help you navigate workplace pressures more effectively.

    Text Adam w/ comments or questions

    Whenever you are ready, here are 2 ways I can help you:

    1. Download my free One-Page Envisioning Exercise to think BIGGER about your life and what's possible for you.

    2. My next 8-week small group coaching program starts in September and space is limited.

    The first group SOLD OUT

    If you're at or nearing FI and finally ready to start living the next chapter of your life let's chat!

    At the end of my 8 Week FIRE Starter small group program you will:

    • Have a clear BIG vision for the next chapter of your life
    • Specific and tangible ways you’ve started living that vision

    If you're ready to get clear on your BIG vision for your next chapter

    Book a no-pressure curiosity call​ with me....

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    53 分
  • 142 : Meditation : Creating Space To Know Yourself

    Today’s guided meditation is all about creating space within your busy life to invest in yourself.

    Something powerful happens when we slow down, sit down and turn our attention inward.

    Like a snow globe being set down on a table, we allow our mind and body to settle and we can start to see more clearly what’s going on inside.

    I hope you enjoy.

    Text Adam w/ comments or questions

    Whenever you are ready, here are 2 ways I can help you:

    1. Download my free One-Page Envisioning Exercise to think BIGGER about your life and what's possible for you.

    2. My next 8-week small group coaching program starts in September and space is limited.

    The first group SOLD OUT

    If you're at or nearing FI and finally ready to start living the next chapter of your life let's chat!

    At the end of my 8 Week FIRE Starter small group program you will:

    • Have a clear BIG vision for the next chapter of your life
    • Specific and tangible ways you’ve started living that vision

    If you're ready to get clear on your BIG vision for your next chapter

    Book a no-pressure curiosity call​ with me....

    続きを読む 一部表示
    18 分
  • 141 : Two Years After FIRE: 8 Lessons from Early Retirement with Maggie Tucker

    In this episode: Financial independence, Early retirement, Mindset shifts, Lessons learned, Parenting challenges with Maggie Tucker

    Episode Summary
    In this episode of the Mindful Fire podcast, host Adam Coelho welcomes back Maggie Tucker to discuss her journey towards financial independence and early retirement. Maggie shares her experiences and insights gained over two years since leaving her corporate job. The conversation delves into the mindset shifts necessary for embracing a new lifestyle, the challenges of parenting during this transition, and the importance of being patient and kind to oneself throughout the process.

    Guest Bio
    Maggie Tucker is a financial independence enthusiast who retired early at the age of 41. Along with her husband, she has embarked on a journey to live a more meaningful and engaged life with her blended family of three daughters. Maggie also hosts the Inside Out Money podcast, where she shares insights on financial independence and personal growth.

    Resources & Books Mentioned
    - What Got You Here Won't Get You There by Marshall Goldsmith

    Guest Contract Information
    Email: maggie.tucker@gmail.com

    Key Takeaways
    - Embracing financial independence can lead to unexpected abundance and opportunities.
    - The journey to early retirement involves overcoming fears and adopting a growth mindset.
    - It's essential to be patient with oneself as you adjust to a new lifestyle after leaving a corporate job.
    - Mindfulness and self-awareness play a crucial role in navigating the transition from work to retirement.
    - Parenting during this phase can present unique challenges, but prioritizing family is key.
    - Experimenting and pivoting in life allows for continuous growth and adaptation.

    Text Adam w/ comments or questions

    Whenever you are ready, here are 2 ways I can help you:

    1. Download my free One-Page Envisioning Exercise to think BIGGER about your life and what's possible for you.

    2. My next 8-week small group coaching program starts in September and space is limited.

    The first group SOLD OUT

    If you're at or nearing FI and finally ready to start living the next chapter of your life let's chat!

    At the end of my 8 Week FIRE Starter small group program you will:

    • Have a clear BIG vision for the next chapter of your life
    • Specific and tangible ways you’ve started living that vision

    If you're ready to get clear on your BIG vision for your next chapter

    Book a no-pressure curiosity call​ with me....

    続きを読む 一部表示
    1 時間 5 分
  • 140 : Meditation : Finding a Space of Refuge in This Moment

    In this episode: 12 minute guided meditation to find peace, ease and a space of refuge in this moment.

    Today’s meditation is a practice of creating space in our lives. We practice cultivating a space of refuge in our busy lives amidst all the challenging and difficult things happening in our world (war, layoffs, the economy, etc).

    In this space of refuge we can just leave everything at the door and just be with ourselves in this moment.

    We begin this meditation by intentionally leaving everything at the door and we connect with how you are feeling in this moment in your body, mind and heart.

    After some time resting in this space of refuge we transition into some loving kindness, compassion practice for ourselves and then extend it out to all beings everywhere.

    I hope you enjoy this practice.

    Text Adam w/ comments or questions

    Whenever you are ready, here are 2 ways I can help you:

    1. Download my free One-Page Envisioning Exercise to think BIGGER about your life and what's possible for you.

    2. My next 8-week small group coaching program starts in September and space is limited.

    The first group SOLD OUT

    If you're at or nearing FI and finally ready to start living the next chapter of your life let's chat!

    At the end of my 8 Week FIRE Starter small group program you will:

    • Have a clear BIG vision for the next chapter of your life
    • Specific and tangible ways you’ve started living that vision

    If you're ready to get clear on your BIG vision for your next chapter

    Book a no-pressure curiosity call​ with me....

    続きを読む 一部表示
    17 分