
  • Episode #174 PT 4 Of The Temple Covenant Series-The Law Of The Gospel W/Ken Peterson

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    This week we continue the Temple Covenants series. Today we will cover perhaps one of the most misunderstood of all the covenants, The Law of the Gospel. To do this I have brought Ken Peterson on. We break down what the covenant is and what it is not, and what it should mean to us as Mormons. As always, every time when Ken comes on, he adds depth and perspective to this topic. So, if you have ever wondered about what the Law of the Gospel is really all about stick around to get gain a better appreciation of this covenant.

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    1 時間 50 分
  • Episode #173: PT.3 In The Temple Series-The Law Of Sacrifice W/Seth Laub

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    Joseph Smith was quoted saying the following: “Let us here observe, that a religion that does not require the sacrifice of all things never has power sufficient to produce the faith necessary unto life and salvation . . . It was through this sacrifice [of all earthly things], and this only, that God has ordained that men should enjoy eternal life; and it is through the medium of the sacrifice of all earthly things that men do actually know that they are doing the things that are well pleasing in the sight of God. When a man has offered in sacrifice all that he has for the truth’s sake, not even withholding his life, and believing before God that he has been called to make this sacrifice because he seeks to do his will, he does know, most assuredly, that God does and will accept his sacrifice and offering, and that he has not, nor will not seek his face in vain. Under these circumstances, then, he can obtain the faith necessary for him to lay hold on eternal life.” Joseph Smith, Lectures on Faith, pp.6-7

    Now if sacrifice opens the windows of heaven and prepares us to become acquainted with God, then we shouldn’t be surprised that this would be a covenant we would take in the Temple Endowment. Today Seth Laub joins me as we take a deep dive into the law of sacrifice. We explore its place in mankind’s history, how sacrifice to God is actually a blessing to us and not something we should fear, the growth that happens when we learn to sacrifice, how it deepens our walk as disciples of Jesus Christ, and finally the blessings that flow to us from this principle.

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    2 時間 33 分
  • Episode #172: Temple Series PT2-Law Of Obedience W/Felipe & Marilynn Cervantes

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    So, this is part two of the temple series. Today Felipe and Merilynne Cervantes joins me on the podcast to talk about the Law of Obedience. Now I don’t think it is an accident that this is one of the first covenants we make in the Temple. In many ways it provides not only the base for which the rest of the covenants are built on it is also the place in which God reveals how the family is to be organized. We talk about how being obedient is a pathway to freedom, an opportunity to grow, and a mechanism by which our walk as disciples of Christ is deepened so hang out for all that and more.

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    1 時間 29 分
  • Episode #171: Temple Series PT 1: The Spirit Of Elijah W/Ann Hatch

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    You will really want the video for this one. This week is the first episode in a series on the Temple. I will be having on different folks that you have heard on the podcast before to go over each covenant we make in the temple. Now rest assured we won’t be divulging anything we are not supposed to. We will however take a look at each covenant we make and what they really mean. On this first episode I have Ann Hatch as we have conversation about the Spirit of Elijah and finding the names of our kindred dead to prepare those names for temple work. No that is just one part of our conversation because the whole way through our conversation we talk about the deeper doctrinal concepts behind these principle as we share stories of some miraculous things that have happened as we both have engaged in this work. By the end my hope is you will feel empowered to get to work in finding your ancestors and preparing them for going to the temple.

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    3 時間 39 分
  • Episode #170: Out Of The Darkness & Into The Light W/Ammon Jeffs

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    Today’s episode is going to be a heavy conversation, but one that has to be had. On this episode I talk with a man who has had one of the most remarkable of faith journeys that I have ever had the privilege to hear. Today I have a conversation with Ammon Jeffs. Ammon is the son of Warren Jeffs and was a firsthand witness to what life was like living on several of the compounds owned and operated by his father and the FLDS Church. During the course of our conversation, we cover Ammon’s early life and childhood while first living in Northern Utah, then Short Creek, Texas and many other places. We talk about how his life changed once his father took power, the death of his mother, his father’s arrest for abuse, his banishment from the FLDS Church and his coming to terms with his father’s actions. From that point we move into talking about his deconstruction of false doctrines taught by Warren Jeffs and just how different they were from the doctrine taught by Joseph Smith and Brigham Young and other early Mormon leaders. We then finish up by talking about how he found and kept his faith in the Restored Gospel as taught by early Mormon leaders. While this conversation starts out really heavy by the end Ammon demonstrates the healing and transformative power of Atonement of Jesus Christ and the Restored Gospel and shows us that we don’t have to be a slave to our trials or the sins of our family’s past.

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    2 時間 36 分
  • Episode #169: Standing With The LDS Church On Correct Principles W/Ben Winfield (NOT FOR ANYONE UNDER 16)

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    While I won't play down the theological differences between Orthodox Mormonism and the LDS Church the truth is that there is a lot more that we have in common than not and as such when The LDS Church lines up with True Principles we should stand with them on that principle. This episode is one of those as me and my guest defend the LDS Church from a prominent Anti-Mormon podcaster. The LDS Church in the last couple months took a few steps in a direction I think most of us as Fundamentalists would agree with. They have presented new curriculum for their youth explaining the history around the LDS Church’s former practice of Celestial Plural Marriage. Now by presenting this information you would think that the anti/post Mormon community would be happy with this since they have been screaming for more transparency on Joseph Smith’s practice of plural marriage. However, the exact opposite is true. They railed on the curriculum material by calling it grooming. So, on this Ben Winfield and I breakdown not only the curriculum published by the LDS Church (which in my opinion is pretty darn good for LDS Youth) but also the response from a prominent anti-Mormon podcaster.

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    2 時間 27 分
  • Episode #168: The Genesis Series-The Tower of Babel W/Michael Ness

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    There are some stories in scripture especially when you get back towards Genesis that seem so far removed that it can be hard for us to extract any meaning from it. However, God never gives us anything that he doesn’t want us to use. Today Michael Ness joins me again as we wrap up his series on Genesis. The main scriptural account we will be covering is about Nimrod and the Tower of Babel. During the course of our conversation, we talk about who Nimrod was and his possible connections to the character of Baal, as well as a period of time that overlaps with Abraham. We then move on to Tower of Babel and some very interesting parallels to our modern society and some warnings from the past that we should pay attention to. Now you can’t talk about those things without also taking time as well to talk about The Brother of Jared, the Jaredites from the Book of Mormon and their concurrent history.

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    2 時間 37 分
  • Episide #167: An Examination Of The Nemenhah Record Part 2 W/Justin Francom

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    The Savior warned us that in the last days there would be false Prophets and false Christs that would lead people astray. To ensure that we don’t become misled it is important that we understand truth so well that we can spot a counterfeit a mile away. It is for this reason I wanted to do this two-part series on the Nemenhah Record. With that said last week me and Justin Francom broke down the Nemenhah Record and explored some pretty problematic teachings found in this alleged book of scripture. Today Justin joins me again as we finish our examination of the Nemenhah Record, and spoiler alert we are about see where the Nemenhah Record really disagress with the Book of Mormon and other principles of the Restoration as taught by the Prophet Joseph Smith. Today we cover what the Nemenhah Record says about changing the ordinance of Baptism, Plural Marriage and some damning evidence on timelines that really puts the record at odds with what has already been revealed by the Prophet Joseph Smith. I would ask that you please share these episodes with your family and friends who have bought into this record so that they might not be deceived

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    2 時間 26 分