
  • BONUS: Living Lent by Barbara Cawthorne Crafton

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    Today marks Ash Wednesday the first day in the Catholic season of Lent. Lent is a 40 day period of preparation and prayer leading to Easter. It is a time of paring back, of giving and doing for others. I read this passage by Barbara Cawthorne Crafton in the book 'Bread and Wine: Readings for Lent and Easter' and found it so relevant to the time we live that I felt compelled to share it with you all! Enjoy!

    "We didn't even know what moderation was. What it felt like. We didn't just work; we inhaled our jobs sucked them in, became them.... we didn't just eat; we stuffed ourselves.....And if it was dangerous for us to want and not have, it was even moreso for our children"

    Read More on my Substack: https://deemingdreaming.substack.com/

    Have a Pink Elephant you'd like to discuss? Get in touch! deemingdreaming@gmail.com

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  • 16. Surrogacy: Bodies for Sale, with Helen Gibson Surrogacy Concern

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    I am thankful to be in conversation with Helen Gibson founder of Surrogacy Concern. There are currently plans afoot to ‘liberalise’ UK Surrogacy laws. But what does this mean? On the one hand we have the familiar talk of ‘the rights’ of individual ‘to have a baby’ and on the other we have questions around ethics related to the exploitation of women, and harms to babies. We can see that the market for surrogacy is another growth industry predicted to be worth near 200 billion dollars by 2030. But at what cost?

    Helen brings much knowledge to this subject and will widen your perspective to bigger picture issues related to the trading of babies.

    For more info on Helen's work:

    Web: https://surrogacyconcern.uk/

    You can write a letter to your MP: https://surrogacyconcern.uk/take-action-send-a-letter-to-your-mp-on-surrogacy-and-law-commission-proposals/

    X (formerly twitter): @SurrogConcern

    Jennifer Lahl film 'Eggsploitation': Eggsploitation: https://cbc-network.org/eggsploitation/

    Produced by: @CBCnetwork

    Thanks for listening, if you think what I do is valuable please consider becoming a paid substack supporter for £4 per month, £30 per year or £250 founding membership allow me to continue to spend the time researching and reporting on these important issues. Or buy my a cup of coffee!

    BUY ME A COFFEE: https://buymeacoffee.com/kateedeeming2

    SUBSTACK: https://deemingdreaming.substack.com

    Read More on my Substack: https://deemingdreaming.substack.com/

    Have a Pink Elephant you'd like to discuss? Get in touch! deemingdreaming@gmail.com

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  • 15. Losing Our Collective Mind With Stuart Waiton Scottish Union for Education

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    In today’s podcast I speak to my colleague Stuart Waiton founder of The Scottish Union for Education. Some listeners will know my role as Parent and Supporters Coordinator for the organisation which seeks to address the rapid decline in Scottish Education. Stuart is an academic at the University of Abertay in criminology with a background in politics and journalism. He is also a Dad and was involved in the campaign to stop the named person scheme here in Scotland which would have had Scottish Government assign a state guardian to every child overriding the parental role.

    In this podcast we discuss the road which led to the evoluation of SUE and how this is not just about a decline in standards but in knowledge. Reference points which have been understood for generations are being eroded and discarded which is despite the claims of inclusivity narrows things beyond perception.

    If Education is a concern to you do consider becoming a member of SUE

    SUE: Scottish Union for Education www.sue.scot

    SUE Twitter: @ScotUnionEd

    SUE Facebook: Scottish Union for Education (SUE)

    Thanks for listening to the Pink Elephant Podcast part of Deeming Dreaming productions.

    Thanks to my current subscribers. Any contributions welcome!

    1. Unpaid subscribers can subscribe monthly at Substack (or giving a gift subscription!) (https://deemingdreaming.substack.com)
    2. Making a one-off contribution via BuyMeACoffee(https://buymeacoffee.com/kateedeeming2)
    3. Contributing via paypal: deemingdreaming@gmail.com
    4. Rumble channel created: https://rumble.com/user/ThePinkElephant ! Getting comfortable with interface and then will be starting a YouTube , if you have a business or product you’d like to promote/advertise please get in touch deemingdreaming@gmail.com

    Substack: https://deemingdreaming.substack.com/p/losing-our-collective-mind-with-stuart

    Read More on my Substack: https://deemingdreaming.substack.com/

    Have a Pink Elephant you'd like to discuss? Get in touch! deemingdreaming@gmail.com

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  • 14. The Child Trap: ASN in Scottish Schools with Jules Sandilands

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    In this podcast I speak to Jules Sandilands, education correspondent for the Scottish Union for Education . Jules has written three pieces for SUE related to the exponential increase of children being diagnosed with ‘Additional Support Needs’ in Scottish Schools. Sitting at 40.5% of children in Scottish schools, a rapid increase in the past ten years Jules wonders ‘are we seeing autism socialisation’?

    Three pieces on ASN Here:

    As the parameters of diagnoses are so broad to be meaningless - are we wrongly labelling many children who require other kinds of support? Is there a case to be made that it’s the school system itself which is creating the problem?

    In the 1990s Ritalin became a popular go-to medication to ‘calm children down’ who had ‘behaviour problems’ in schools. In hindsight we can see how this became largely a medicalising of boyhood, as boys - more often boisterous were called out for ‘not sitting properly’. Yet experts promoted this and damaged a lot of kids. In 2025 the rise in prescription SSRIs has increased manifold for under 16s for behavioural issues, and depression. Is history repeating itself?

    What becomes apparent to me is that this program cannot sustain itself. As we prime children to be medicalised, we prime them for state dependence, we prime them for a system that will manage them for the rest of their lives. This trap depresses children which in turn depresses society which in turn destabilises the very ground we stand on.

    We must do better.


    Scottish Union for Education (https://scottishunionforeducation.substack.com/)

    Thanks for listening to the Pink Elephant Podcast part of Deeming Dreaming productions.

    Thanks to my current subscribers. Any contributions welcome!

    1. Unpaid subscribers can subscribe monthly at Substack (or giving a gift subscription!) (https://deemingdreaming.substack.com)
    2. Making a one-off contribution via BuyMeACoffee (https://buymeacoffee.com/kateedeeming2)
    3. Contributing via paypal: deemingdreaming@gmail.com
    4. Rumble channel created: https://rumble.com/user/ThePinkElephant ! Getting comfortable with interface and then will be starting a YouTube , if you have a business or product you’d like to promote/advertise please get in touch deemingdreaming@gmail.com

    Read More on my Substack: https://deemingdreaming.substack.com/

    Have a Pink Elephant you'd like to discuss? Get in touch! deemingdreaming@gmail.com

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  • 13. Ewan Morrison: Writer & Cultural Commentator

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    Was delighted to sit down with the inimitable writer, essayist and cultural commentator Ewan Morrison back in December for a good old chat. Speaking to Ewan reminded me why I got caught up in the arts scene in Glasgow back in the early 2000s. The depth and breadth of his knowledge and critical thought cannot be underestimated -in particular now. We spoke on everything from the rise of the managerial class, AI, the evolution of identity politics, ambient adolescent apocalypticism, the death of ‘the left’, the failings of ‘optimistic nihilism’, equity and the race to the bottom in Scotland and what artists can and should be doing….

    It’s clear Ewan’s passion to understand life at the edges (which informs the characters and storylines in his books) is driven by a genuine curiosity to find answers and solutions to societal ills. Or at least ask the right questions. It’s thinkers like this we need to be hearing more from. The conversation certainly enthused me to thinking about my own lost arts practice. I hope you will find our conversation similarly inspiring.

    Find Ewan Here:

    Substack: UNTOPIA

    Twitter/X: @MrEwanMorrison

    Website: https://www.ewanmorrison.com

    His newest book ‘For Emma’ is being released 25.3.25

    Thanks to my current subscribers. January output been a bit slow as I get my ducks in a row for increased output in coming months. That said I have been very busy on the ground with various shenanigans taking place in Scotland… more on that later… Any contributions welcome!

    1. Unpaid subscribers can subscribe monthly at Substack (or giving a gift subscription!) deemingdreaming.substack.com
    2. Making a one-off contribution via BuyMeACoffee: kateedeeming2
    3. Contributing via paypal: deemingdreaming@gmail.com
    4. Rumble channel created: https://rumble.com/user/ThePinkElephant ! Getting comfortable with interface and then will be starting a YouTube , if you have a business or product you’d like to promote/advertise please get in touch deemingdreaming@gmail.com

    Read More on my Substack: https://deemingdreaming.substack.com/

    Have a Pink Elephant you'd like to discuss? Get in touch! deemingdreaming@gmail.com

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    1 時間 19 分
  • 12. Inspiration for 2025: Sister Fran Kane, SSJ "Silence is the Language of God"

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    As we embark on a new year I feel blessed to have spent time with my cousin Fran Kane, a Sister of St. Joseph for the past 70 years. I hope this conversation will inspire you as you embark on a new year.

    Fran speaks of growing up in Philadelphia in the 1940s, a consummate tomboy who loved sport and would run away from the nuns who wanted her to settle down. Two early events shaped her relationship with God profoundly. Once when she was playing at the feet at her (very pregnant) resting Mother with a stick and a marble, and the cuckoo clock went off. She recalls being struck by the beauty of the stillness and the silence in that moment. Later on in High school she went fishing with a cousin, who was a baker, in the middle of the night and a similar stillness took over. She says in that quiet she heard God.

    Fran’s life then took her into a life of service through the church. The mission of the Sisters of St. Joseph has been (since its founding in 1650 Puy France) to do ‘any good work that our dear neighbours need’. In the early days this was to help the widows and the poor of France. This quickly moved into education. This small group of committed women, like many of our religious orders are part of our legacy of universal education, without which many children, families and communities would have stayed illiterate and poor.

    Fran’s vocation started in schools and then continued onto a mission in Panama where she taught farming methods to the poor, so that they could feed themselves and their families. She continues working today serving the less able sisters at the Motherhouse in Chestnut Hill. She remains a light of service in God’s grace.

    Things happen in silence Kate, it is God’s chance to speak to us’. It is worth noting in the busy-ness of life, of our culture of stimulation we might miss this opportunity.

    I hope we can all see the beauty that God has provided to us in 2025.

    Thank you Fran for your time and insight.

    Thanks to my nephew Owen who came along to do a video recording which I will be releasing later on in the year.

    More info on the Sisters of St. Joseph can be found here: https://ssjphila.org/

    The Film of Mother Cabrini (as referenced): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZaMlUazXvyY

    Thanks again to my readers and in particular my paid subscribers who have contributed to my output this year. Thank you so much.
    1. Unpaid subscribers can subscribe monthly at Substack (or giving a gift subscription!) https://deemingdreaming.substack.com/
    2. Making a one-off contribution via BuyMeACoffee (or buy me a Christmas Pudding) https://buymeacoffee.com/kateedeeming2
    3. Contributing via paypal: deemingdreaming@gmail.com
    4. I will be starting a YouTube channel in Early 2025, if you have a business or product you’d like to promote/advertise please get in touch deemingdreaming@gmail.com
    Your support is what allows me to continue for which I am hugely thankful.

    Read More on my Substack: https://deemingdreaming.substack.com/

    Have a Pink Elephant you'd like to discuss? Get in touch! deemingdreaming@gmail.com

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  • 11. Maggie Mellon Social Worker

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    Maggie Mellon social worker of 40+ years discusses the many failings of the Scottish Care System. From the perpetuation of abuse cycles to the trans-positive policy to the for-profit motives of the managers and owners our most vulnerable children are being failed.

    More Info on Maggie here:

    Maggie Mellon Website: https://maggiemellon.com/

    Parents Advocacy and Rights: https://www.parentsadvocacyandrights.com/

    EBSA-Evidence Based Social Work Alliance: https://www.ebswa.org/

    Subscribe now or Give a Gift Subscription:

    Thanks for reading and thanks to current subscribers! Subscriptions allow me to continue to spend time reporting on what is happening here in Scotland and how it connects to bigger issues. My writing and podcast work is alongside my advocacy in working directly with parents. As this is entirely reader-supported, with no paywalls your support is what keeps things going. If you enjoyed this post, and would like to see more, please consider…

    1. Subscribing monthly at Substack (or giving a gift subscription!)


    2. Making a one-off contribution via BuyMeACoffee (or a Christmas Pudding)

    3. Contributing via bank transfer to Tide Bank (Clearbank), account
    Sort Code 04 06 05, Account Number 0000 8583 (account MS KE DEEMING, use your email as a reference if you would like acknowledgement)

    4. I will be starting a YouTube channel in Early 2025, if you have a business or product you’d like to promote/advertise please get in touch deemingdreaming@gmail.com

    Your support is what allows me to continue for which I am hugely thankful.

    Read More on my Substack: https://deemingdreaming.substack.com/

    Have a Pink Elephant you'd like to discuss? Get in touch! deemingdreaming@gmail.com

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    1 時間 18 分
  • 10. Hot Mess: The Culture of Scottish Education, Carolyn Brown Educational Psychologist

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    In today’s podcast I speak to Carolyn Brown, retired Educational Psychologist with over 40 years experience of working in the Scottish Education sector. Carolyn is also one of the founders and members of Scot Pag - Scottish Professionals Advising on gender - a multi agency group of professionals from health, social work and medicine addressing issues related to what is happening in the present modes of understanding and treatment of the idea of trans/gender dysmorphia.

    Whilst much of our conversation focuses around the hot mess that is Scottish Government’s Transgender Guidance, the trans topic points to a much larger issue of the need to look at the culture of schools. What is good for children? How do children learn? What does a good model of inclusivity look like? How is it we get adult agendas out of education? How do we support the curiosity and natural evolution of experimentation that children embody?

    ***THANK YOU for listening, and special thanks to current paid subscribers*** - if you think what I do is valuable please consider becoming a substack supporter for £4 per month, £30 per year or £250 founding membership allow me to continue to spend the time researching and reporting on these important issues.

    *Or buy my a cup of coffee!

    *If you are a business in the business of free speech, education and/or the preservation of childhood - contact me about advertising! deemingdreaming@gmail.com

    I am planning on launching The Pink Elephant You Tube channel in early 2025.

    Thanks so much I do appreciate it!

    **Links to articles referenced:

    Scot Pag Website: https://www.scotpag.com/

    Scot Pag X: @scotpag

    Social Transition and Junk Science: https://www.scotpag.com/post/social-transition-and-junk-science

    Genspect Scottish Educational Psychologists and Gender Ideology in Scottish Schools A Conspiracy of Silence: https://genspect.org/scottish-educational-psychologists-and-gender-ideology-in-scotlands-schools-a-conspiracy-of-silence/

    Scottish Union for Education: https://scottishunionforeducation.substack.com/

    Read More on my Substack: https://deemingdreaming.substack.com/

    Have a Pink Elephant you'd like to discuss? Get in touch! deemingdreaming@gmail.com

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