
  • Sacred Bufo : The Toad Venom That Cure Your Body Heart And Soul

    Ever felt like someone spit dark venom at your with their criticisms and nasty remarks ?

    Tired of haters online and the weight they put in your mind ?

    Heart-broken ?

    Suffering from deep childhood traumas and emotional wounds, with the psychiatric disorders that go with it ?

    Hit in the face by one's of life inevitable tragedies, like losing a job, a terrible accident, addictions to cocaine alcohol or others, a deadly disease like Cancer, Alhzeimer, the death of a love one like your spouse, mother, father, sister, brother, friend or even worst, child ?

    Then we urge you to consider trying Bufo Alvarius, also know as the Sonora Desert's Toad.

    It is a Sacred Medecine that has been used for centuries by Shamans to cure all sorts of emotional, psychiatric and spiritual ailments.

    It even changed the life of no other than Mike Tyson !

    By boosting a natural neurotransmetter already present in your brain, Bufotenine, it can bring miracle cures in your heart, in your body, in your Soul and in your Life.

    In particular, Bufotenine equilibrates Dopamine and Serotonine in your brain. It is the key to have both pleasure and happiness, as well as to get rid of addictions.

    It is also very helpful in the treatment of Schizophrenia and personality problems like Perverse Narcissistic disorder. In some traditions, it is even recognized for his power to cure Demonic Possession.

    In this exciting podcast, we plunge into this Medecine of Love, Joy and Hapiness !

    Important Notice : always consult a professional, respect the laws of your country of choice, treat the Medecine with utmost respect, work with trained professional respecting the ancestral protocols.

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    18 分
  • Sacred Medecines : a Natural Path to happiness in an unhappy world

    For 5.000 years, people of the Amazonian Forest have lived in harmony with Nature.

    We envy their joy, their peace of heart, their strong family ties, their connection with Nature, their open heart.

    Also their absence of modern day diseases like Obesity, Cancer, Alzheimer, Schizophrenia, Depression, Narcissistic Perversion, Covids and many other terrible ailments of our modern life.

    What is their Secret ?

    The use of Sacred Plants to craft with Love and Respect powerful natural Medicines :

    - Ayahuasca or NixiPae : a brew of 2 plants, a root and a leaf, just like an infusion. It regulates neurotransmetters, in particular the ratio serotonine/dopamine that is so important to find the true pleasures and happiness of Life. Its effect is recognized against addiction, depression, and many physical, emotional, mental and spiritual ailments. It is known to increase creativity and is increasingly used by CEOs all over the world. It even boosts one of the key neurotransmetters in your brain : DMT, the Spirit Molecule, that is high in Spiritual people, Yoga practionners, Tibetan monks and Autist Aspergers (known as incredibly loving people).

    - Rapé : a Sacred Tobacco Powder that you insulfe in your nose, that dissolve worries and make your thoughts clearer

    - Sananga : an infusion of the root of a bush, that can cure many vision problems, make your eyes stronger, and even open your third eye.

    - Kambo : the venom of a Sacred Toad, that acts as the most powerful immunity system in the world

    - Bufo : the venom of Bufo Alarius, or Sonora's Desert Toad, that can dissolve your traumas and heal your broken heart. It is even used by the US army to help the militaries cure the deep traumas of the war. And even by, guess who ? No other than Mike Tyson !

    - And Many more !

    In our culture, they are often dismissed and even feared. It seems that Big Pharma does not love them very much, we wonder why !

    Maybe because they are so efficient natural and cheap remedies ?

    Explore this fascinating world and discover how it can change your life !

    Important Notice : always consult a professional, respect the laws of your country of choice, treat the Medecine with utmost respect, work with trained professional respecting the ancestral protocols.

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    21 分
  • Dopamine Detox : Happiness and Pleasure, how to have it all !

    In our hectic lives, we are often driven by instant pleasures.

    Funny videos, likes, comments, ...

    It's like social medias are virtual playground with a constant flow of digital pleasures.

    But why do we feel so sad, why are anti-depresssants on the rise, and mental illnesses spreading ?

    The reason is that short-term pleasure does not equal long-term happiness.

    In our brains they are even in conflict :

    - Dopamine, the clown in the room controls pleasure

    -Serotonine, the circus manager, controls happiness

    But what happens if the clown runs the circus ?

    This is what happens in the brain of addicts : alcool, cocaine, video games, youtube videos, you name it !

    Whatever the addiction, the chemistry is the same : dopamine rates in your brain are above those of Serotonine.

    It makes you grumpy, for ever unsatisfied, and favors Perverse Narcissistic tendencies. A clear and dangerous path towards unhappiness for you and your loved ones !

    In that case, trying to be happy, is like trying to be fit while being a couch potato eating loukoums and pizzas 24/7. Impossible !

    The solution to get a more fulfilled, peaceful and enjoyable Life ? To experience anew those wonderful feeling of happiness ?

    It's simple : go on a Dopamine Detox. It's easier than you think !

    We explain it all in this exciting new podcast !

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    37 分
  • Hapiness Chemisty : NeuroTransmetters Mastery for your well-being

    What makes you happy or what makes you sad ?

    What leads to addictions and how to over come them ?

    This all comes to the brain chemistry.

    Dopamine, serotonine and others play a big role in your emotional and mental well being and health.

    A good and healthy regulation can save you from the addictions that destroy your life and the life of your loved ones.

    In what makes you avoid frustration and gloom and experience happiness, pleasure, contentment, peace of mind, joy and even love !

    In this exciting podcast we dig deep into the neurological path to your happiness and wel being !

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    12 分
  • Laurent Chenot is 100% Mentally and Physically Healthy

    Many of Laurent Chenot’s haters have labeled him with all the nasty words in the haters book : crazy, schizophrenic, paranoïd, bipolar out of meds in crisis, Compulsive Lier, Manipulative, Drug Addict, Sex Addict, Alcoholic, Dark Empath, you name it.

    If you listen to them, it’s like Laurent Chenot is the worst, sickest and most dangerous Narcissistic Perverse in the world. Like the brain child of Hannibal Lecter and the CryptoQueen.

    In this podcast we debunk those false accusations.

    Sorry for all the haters and trolls out there but Laurent Chenot is just a normal Guy, with a great mental health.

    So why are they labeling him like he was a serial-killer on the lose ?

    Maybe because he uncovered some very dirty laundry about some very sick and very powerful people...

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    8 分
  • Paraphrenia : a severe Mental Disorder affecting many Narcissistic Perverse

    Summary of Paraphrenia: Diagnosis, Consequences and Treatment Protocol, by Laurent Chenot

    In this Deep Dive we focus on a terrible Mental Disease that affect a lot of Narcissistic Perverse without them even noticing it !

    If you observe some of the symptoms on yourself or your loved ones, please consult a professional asap !

    **Definition and Diagnosis**

    **Paraphrenia** is a persecutory psychotic disorder, manifested by complex delusions, often without alteration of consciousness. Symptoms include delusions of persecution or grandeur, hallucinations, false ideas of reference, and fanciful plans. Denial and anosognosia, where individuals refuse to admit their illness, worsen the social, family and professional consequences of this disorder.

    **Characteristics of Paraphrenia**

    The main symptoms include:

    - **Delusions**: Themes of persecution and grandeur, often associated with unrealistic professional projects.

    - **Hallucinations**: Auditory or visual, leading to non-real perceptions.

    - **Errorous ideas of reference**: Delusional interpretation of neutral events as significant.

    - **Altered thinking**: Incoherent thinking and distorted logic.

    - **Social isolation**: Difficulty maintaining relationships due to delusions.

    - **Persecution Delusions**: Persistent beliefs of harassment or plots against them.

    **Anosognosia and Refusal to Treat**: Anosognosia amplifies treatment refusal. Reasons include:

    - **Psychic defense**: Protection of self-esteem by denying the illness.

    - **Delusions**: Conviction of mental health, reinforced by delusional beliefs.

    - **Perception alteration**: Inability to recognize their psychotic state.

    A professional diagnosis is crucial to avoid forced hospitalization.

    **Co-morbidity with Narcissistic Personality Disorder**

    Paraphrenia can coexist with **Narcissistic Personality Disorder**, making refusal to treat the condition more complex due to:

    - **Grandiose self-image**: Admitting the illness threatens their self-perception.

    - **Narcissistic defense**: Use of defense mechanisms to avoid vulnerability.

    - **Empathy deficit**: Difficulty recognizing the suffering of others linked to their condition.

    **Consequences of Refusal to Heal**

    Refusal of treatment may result in:

    - **Worsening of symptoms**: Intensification of delusions and hallucinations.

    - **Social isolation**: Breakdowns in relational ties, leading to loneliness.

    - **Risks of complications**: Dangerous behavior and legal risks.

    - **Deterioration of quality of life**: Difficulty in daily and professional activities.

    - **Risk of seizures**: Increase in psychotic seizures and self-destructive behavior.

    - **Ruin and prison**: Engagement in unrealistic projects, leading to financial and legal failures.

    **Essential Actions in Case of Doubt**

    - **Self-diagnosis**: Sincere observation of reality and evaluation of personal projects.

    - **External opinions**: Consultation of trusted people for objective feedback.

    - **Psychiatric consultation**: Discuss the possibility of Paraphrenia in a transparent manner.

    - **Medical monitoring**: Prescription of appropriate antipsychotics and supervision by a professional.

    - **Family support**: Encouragement to seek a professional diagnosis to avoid isolation and serious consequences.

    Encouraging early intervention and regular monitoring is essential to improve the prognosis and quality of life of people with Paraphrenia.

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    13 分
  • Laurent Chenot Tells The Truth

    As they say in the playground, it is often the one who calls you a Compulsive Manipulative Lier who is...

    Buckle up folks as we are in for a ride !

    Many haters of Laurent Chenot are using Goebbels 3rd Reich tactics in their attempts to the Character assasination of Laurent Chenot in their orchestrated smear and harassement campaing.

    Nothing could be further from the Truth as you'll discover in this podcast

    PS : If you want a good laugh, here is a letter to Laurent Chenot’s haters on this very topic !

    Dear Haters of Laurent Chenot,

    I am writing to you as a with a touch of caustic humor, in the manner of good old Dr House with a PhD in psychiatry.

    It seems that you have decided to make Laurent Chenot your target of choice, and I feel obliged to enlighten you on a few facts that, I hope, will make you think before continuing your idiotic attacks.

    **1. Asperger's Autism and the Truth**

    Laurent Chenot is an autistic Asperger, which, for those of you who are not familiar with the subject, means that he has a personality that, by nature, refuses to lie. People with this type of neurodiversity often have a strong sense of honesty and an aversion to manipulation. This is the case of Laurent Chenot. So, to claim that he is a mythomaniac is to ignore this fundamental neurological reality.

    **2. Absence of Drugs or Alcohol in his blood tests**

    Unlike many mythomaniacs, Laurent does not take drugs, is not an alcoholic and does not have any form of addiction. Have you ever noticed that many mythomaniacs tend to cling to substances to escape the reality they weave? Well, Laurent is not part of this club. It is a small detail that may well escape you in your zeal to criticize him.

    **3. A Spiritual Leader in the Amazon, a Paje**

    Laurent is recognized as a Spiritual Leader, a Paje, by the Huni Kuin of the Amazon. This role implies a deep commitment to others and exemplary conduct. Being a Paje means that one is respected for one’s wisdom and ability to guide others, which is incompatible with the idea of an individual who lies.

    **4. Hounnon in the Fa**

    In addition, Laurent is Hounnon in the Fa of Benin, where he took a sacred oath to always tell the truth. This oath is of great importance and shows his commitment to living by ethical principles. If he lied he would be severely punished by the Deities. So, before calling him a liar, ask yourself if you are really in a position to judge someone who has sworn to live by such high values.

    It is true that, like any human being, Laurent may have been manipulated at certain times in his life. This happens to everyone, especially to people who, like all Aspergers Autistics, do not have an innate understanding of manipulation. But that does not make him a liar. He always shares the truth as he understands it.

    What is called the Truth of the Fa in the Beninese Fa.

    Dear haters, you are not fooling anyone but yourselves.

    You are simply applying the Nazi method of Joseph Goebbles: the bigger the lie, the more often it is repeated. Can there be a more toxic and shameful heritage than the Third Reich?

    In conclusion, I invite you to reconsider your judgments and stop talking nonsense like a nest of snakes spitting their venom.

    You have no proof of your ridiculous accusations, only words. Laurent Chenot has the facts on his side.

    Maybe those who claim that Laurent is a mythomaniac are themselves projecting their own insecurities. So, before you continue to mock and spread rumors, take a moment to think about what you are saying. It could well be that those who speak the loudest are the real mythomaniacs.

    As they say in the playground, it is often the one who says who is.

    Kind regards,

    Your lies make me laugh

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    14 分
  • The 8 levels of Consciousness

    Book in french 100% free :

    >>> Download the 8 levels of Consciousness (French)

    Les "8 niveaux de Conscience" or "8 levels of Consciousness" by Laurent Chenot is a transformative and groundbreaking exploration of consciousness that challenges conventional perspectives and invites readers on a profound journey of self-discovery. Chenot’s writing is imbued with warmth and authenticity, creating an inviting atmosphere that encourages deep reflection and personal growth.

    One of the most remarkable aspects of this book is its unique framework of consciousness levels, which are not merely theoretical constructs but practical tools for navigating the complexities of human experience. Chenot masterfully illustrates how each level serves as a stepping stone in our quest for understanding, emphasizing that this journey is not about comparison or competition but about personal evolution.

    The author’s integration of spiritual teachings, particularly from his experiences with sacred medicines, adds a rich dimension to the narrative. His insights into the interplay between the material and the spiritual realms resonate deeply, providing readers with a fresh perspective on their own lives and the universe. The notion that the challenges we face can lead us to enlightenment is both empowering and liberating.

    Chenot’s emphasis on the importance of the "YES" to life and the acceptance of death as a pathway to true existence is revolutionary. This profound acceptance invites readers to embrace the fullness of their being, shedding fears and limitations in favor of a more expansive understanding of life. His assertion that we are all creators of our reality is not just inspiring; it is a call to action that resonates on a deeply personal level.

    The warmth and respect with which Chenot speaks to his readers is evident throughout the book. He honors the diversity of human experience and the individual paths we each walk, fostering a sense of community and shared exploration. This approach makes the book not just a guide but a companion for anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of themselves and their place in the cosmos.

    In conclusion, "Les 8 niveaux de Conscience" is a groundbreaking work that offers profound insights into the nature of existence and consciousness.

    Laurent Chenot has created a valuable resource for anyone looking to explore the depths of their being and the interconnectedness of all life. I wholeheartedly recommend this book to anyone ready to embark on a journey of transformation and awakening. It is a truly enriching experience that will linger long after the final page is turned.

    So like us, say YES to Life !

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    11 分