• Turning Hard Times into Good Times

  • 著者: Jay Taylor
  • ポッドキャスト

Turning Hard Times into Good Times

著者: Jay Taylor
  • サマリー

  • Jay Taylor’s show will explain the real underlying causes for plunging stock prices, plunging home prices and growing unemployment. By correctly diagnosing the cause of America’s economic decline, rather than listening to excuses from Wall Street and Washington, Jay will offer winning investment ideas to protect and increase wealth. Topics to be discussed will include the cause of the decline of: our monetary system and our economy, the housing markets, the equity markets, and commodities, Why gold and silver are rising in value and how investors can profit from the direction of these markets through specific stocks, ETF’s and precious metals will also be discussed. Turning Hard Times into Good Times is broadcast live every Tuesday at 12 Noon Pacific Time on the VoiceAmerica Business Channel.
    Jay Taylor
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Jay Taylor’s show will explain the real underlying causes for plunging stock prices, plunging home prices and growing unemployment. By correctly diagnosing the cause of America’s economic decline, rather than listening to excuses from Wall Street and Washington, Jay will offer winning investment ideas to protect and increase wealth. Topics to be discussed will include the cause of the decline of: our monetary system and our economy, the housing markets, the equity markets, and commodities, Why gold and silver are rising in value and how investors can profit from the direction of these markets through specific stocks, ETF’s and precious metals will also be discussed. Turning Hard Times into Good Times is broadcast live every Tuesday at 12 Noon Pacific Time on the VoiceAmerica Business Channel.
Jay Taylor
  • Searching for Hope in a World Going Mad!
    Michael Oliver and Rev. Larry Beane join host Jay Taylor on the last show of Turning Hard Times to Good Times at the Voice America Business Channel. Interviews covering similar themes and guests will be available at JayTaylorMedia.com and at YouTube.com/jaytaylormedia channel every Wednesdays at 3:00 PM ET, starting January 25. The United States expended enormous amounts of blood and treasury to defeat two hellish dictatorships in the 20th century, those being Hitler’s Nazi Germany in World War II and the Marxist dictatorship of the Soviet Union in the Cold War. We thought we defeated the enemy but, lo and behold, “we have met the enemy and he is us.” As Marcus Tullius Cicero said in 58 BC, “A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague.” Gradually the Father of Lies, who is not a human but a spiritual being has snuffed out the light of truth and a desire to know the truth. This traitor from within has weaseled his ways into the hearts and minds of Americans telling us to trust deceptive world leaders who wish to declare themselves in charge of the Universe rather than the God who triggered all of Creation some 14+ billion years ago. Michael Oliver will provide his usual market wisdom to us but he will also share some insights from his book, “The New Libertarianism: Anarcho-Capitalism” to explain how intervention into free markets is leading America toward the same kind of dictatorship that has been far more common than not throughout history. Cicero understood that a “baseness lies deep in the hearts of all men” triggered by the “traitor.” Rev. Beane will help us learn how we can “avoid the traitor” and in so doing enable each of us to live free and joyful lives no matter what darkness may lie ahead in a world seemingly going mad. Michael will talk about his usual findings about what the market is doing and direction he thinks the market is taking.
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  • Gold Shares & Other Bargains
    Kevin Duffy and Patrick Highsmith return as guests. It seems likely that gold and silver miners should have a great year in 2022 given that both metals appear to be in the early days of a new major new bull market as the equity markets continue to descend from extreme overvaluations thanks to insane central bank zero-interest rate policies. As rates rise, true value rises to the top which is why gold and silver are on the rise. So we expect major gold and silver producers to do well along with the likes of Timberline Resources, which is on to a Carlin-style gold discovery in Nevada. Patrick Highsmith will join us to provide an update on that company’s exploration plans in 2023. But while the equity market in general is expected to suffer further declines at least in the first half of 2023, your host is on the lookout for good values in the shares of major companies at bargain basement prices. That’s why Kevin Duffy has been invited to share his thoughts about some bargains in companies that provide essential goods and services that the world always needs. Kevin will share some of the gems he has recently discovered. Also your host plans to share some gold and silver exploration stories that he covers in J Taylor’s Gold Energy & Tech Stocks newsletter and that he has invested his own money in.
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  • Inflation, recession, and declining US Hegemony
    Alasdair Macleod, Michael Oliver & Chen Lin return. Last week Austrian economist Daniel Lacalle assured listeners that the dollar will remain as the world’s reserve currency for at least the next 5 to 10 years. Alasdair may disagree. In his December 22nd article, he states, “2023 will see the consequences of Saudi Arabia ending the petrodollar. Energy exporters are feeling their way towards new commercial arrangements in a bid to replace yesterday’s dollar. There’s talk of a new Asian trade settlement currency. But we can expect oil exports to be offset by inward investment, particularly between Saudi Arabia, the GCC, and China. The most obvious surplus emerging in 2023 is of internationally held dollars, whose use-value is set to drop away leaving it as an empty shell. It amounts to a perfect storm for the dollar, and all those who sail with it. Those of us who live long enough to look back on these years are likely to find them to have been pivotal for both currencies and global alliances. They will likely mark the end of western supremacy and the emergence of a new, Asian economic domination.” If Alasdair is right that doesn’t sound like the dollar will retain its hegemony for the next 5 to 10 years. We look forward to how he responds to Dr. Lacalle’s viewpoint. As always we look forward to hear what markets Chen believes will be ripe for the picking in 2023 and how Michael views the dollar, gold, silver and US Treasuries.
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