• QUANTUM SHOCK!!! Did Google Just Prove Parallel Universes Exist?

    This episode contains an AI voice from Microsoft 365 Word read aloud function in addition to the host Kenny Price's recorded voice. It was recorded through Kenny's microphone to capture the audio from his computer speakers. gwot.rocks is an outreach ministry of the United States legally registered 501(C)(3) TRANSFORM THIS CITY. THE MINISTRY. Website is https://www.transformthiscity.org. Transform This City has a full license non-profit grant of the full suite of Microsoft products. Full research was done that the use of the read aloud feature is permissible for non-commercial/non-profit use in conjunction with the appropriate Microsoft license.

    The use of the AI voice is in conjunction with and support of the new breaking announcement made by Google regarding their AI "Willow". The announcement about WILLOW HAS TO BE the most spectacular, game changing scientific development in the history of the world. I would love to hear your feedback in the comments section of send me an email, address below in notes.


    DONATE You can help support this podcast by clicking our secure PayPal account. For donation by check, make payable to Transform This City, P.O. Box 1013, Spring Hill, Tennessee, 37174. “gwot.rocks” is a ministry of Transform This City, a registered 501(C)(3)

    The Four Spiritual Laws - how you can be born again and have eternal life?

    The Spirit Filled Life- how you can live each day in the power of God’d Holy Spirit!

    "Other Things with... " YouTube Channel


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    gwot.rocks home page

    Transform This City

    Transform This City Facebook


    Thank you for listening! Please tell your friends about us! Listen, share, rate, subscribe!

    ChatGPT was used in the development of this episode script.

    Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture quotations are taken from the Christian Standard

    Bible®, Copyright © 2016 by Holman Bible Publishers. Used by permission. Christian

    Standard Bible® and CSB® is a federally registered trademark of Holman Bible Publishers.

    At times, I also quote from the NIV version of the Bible - Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    11 分
  • Flourishing Through Abstinence? (Part 2)

    Part one is episode 499! LET ME MAKE THIS PERFECTLY CLEAR!!!! I Ain't got NO BONE TO PICK with anyone, and I ain't GOT NO BURR IN MY SADDLE!! (This is all Texan slang...GOOGLE IT if you don't get my point!) BUT----- I ain't the one slinging the mud! I'm responding to the mud that is being slung! Case in point, as I go to finalize this podcast on February 12, 2025, while at the gym this morning, I'm working out on a recumbent bike, watching a walking tour of Capri on my iPhone. Right in front of me, high on the wall, is a bank of TVs, tuned to various channels. The one right in front of me is playing a commercial by John Rich, outspoken conservative Christian, advertising his new branded 40 proof whiskey. I think the setting for the commercial is actually a bar in his house that is huge! Appears to be two story in ceiling height. Then, as I go to pull up music on my phone as I leave the gym, there is a new podcast being promoted on YouTube called "The Cussin' Christians." My friend, the earthly church has gone mad. While God has given us a major reprieve from outlandish evil, the earthly church is dancing with the Devil...Then the church is audaciously shocked at the corruption in the culture. My friend, I stand on solid ground to declare that Christ AND the world DEMANDS difference....

    DONATE You can help support this podcast by clicking our secure PayPal account. For donation by check, make payable to Transform This City, P.O. Box 1013, Spring Hill, Tennessee, 37174. “gwot.rocks” is a ministry of Transform This City, a registered 501(C)(3)

    The Four Spiritual Laws - how you can be born again and have eternal life?

    The Spirit Filled Life- how you can live each day in the power of God’d Holy Spirit!

    "Other Things with... " YouTube Channel

    home base for all episodes: http://podcast.gwot.rocks/

    (Ctrl+click to follow the link)


    gwot.rocks home page

    Transform This City

    Transform This City Facebook


    Thank you for listening! Please tell your friends about us! Listen, share, rate, subscribe!

    Empowering Encouragement Now segments are based in part on C.H. Spurgeon's Morning & Evening Devotions (public domain.)

    ChatGPT and/or Bard may be used at times to expedite research material for this podcast.

    Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture quotations are taken from the Christian Standard

    Bible®, Copyright © 2016 by Holman Bible Publishers. Used by permission. Christian

    Standard Bible® and CSB® is a federally registered trademark of Holman Bible Publishers.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    24 分
  • Flourishing by True Faith!

    Hard to believe it, but this is episode 500! To God be the Glory! This episode celebrates the core of flourishing and what it is all about! There is an amazing podcast episode coming up two episodes from now. I explain in this episode why I bumped it. I am greatly encouraged and ready to take things to the next level! There is a huge learning curve on the right avenues to spend time in to promote the podcast so that the most people possible hear about it. We sure need your prayers on this! 500 episodes in and WE ARE JUST GETTING STARTED! (stats in show from https://miyamotointernational.com/what-is-causing-the-tremors-in-santorini/?utm_source=chatgpt.com)

    DONATE You can help support this podcast by clicking our secure PayPal account. For donation by check, make payable to Transform This City, P.O. Box 1013, Spring Hill, Tennessee, 37174. “gwot.rocks” is a ministry of Transform This City, a registered 501(C)(3)

    The Four Spiritual Laws - how you can be born again and have eternal life?

    The Spirit Filled Life- how you can live each day in the power of God’d Holy Spirit!

    Voices From The Past Volume 1 & 2

    "Other Things with... " YouTube Channel

    Cut & Paste Personal Invitation to invite your friends to check out “gwot.rocks” podcast:

    I invite you to check out the podcast, “gwot.rocks: God, the World, and Other Things!” It is available on podcast players everywhere! Here is the link to the show’s home base for all its episodes: http://podcast.gwot.rocks/

    (Ctrl+click to follow the link)


    gwot.rocks home page

    Transform This City

    Transform This City Facebook


    Thank you for listening! Please tell your friends about us! Listen, share, rate, subscribe!

    Empowering Encouragement Now segments are based in part on C.H. Spurgeon's Morning & Evening Devotions (public domain.)

    ChatGPT and/or Bard may be used at times to expedite research material for this podcast.

    Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture quotations are taken from the Christian Standard

    Bible®, Copyright © 2016 by Holman Bible Publishers. Used by permission. Christian

    Standard Bible® and CSB® is a federally registered trademark of Holman Bible Publishers.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    10 分
  • Flourishing Through Abstinence? (Part 1)

    Before you bypass this episode, I invite you to listen to it in its entirety. There is a LOT going on in the world, all swirling around the cohesive push to normalize and accept alcohol. if consumed in a "balanced", "moderate" approach. I ain't got a bone to pick my friend...I just can't let this subject go without response when its acceptance is systematically, cohesively shoved into my face and mind from every area of our present culture. This part one of a two part series that builds the STRONG case for abstinence from alcohol in the 3rd Millennium.

    DONATE You can help support this podcast by clicking our secure PayPal account. For donation by check, make payable to Transform This City, P.O. Box 1013, Spring Hill, Tennessee, 37174. “gwot.rocks” is a ministry of Transform This City, a registered 501(C)(3)

    The Four Spiritual Laws - how you can be born again and have eternal life?

    The Spirit Filled Life- how you can live each day in the power of God’d Holy Spirit!

    "Other Things with... " YouTube Channel

    Cut & Paste Personal Invitation to invite your friends to check out “gwot.rocks” podcast:

    I invite you to check out the podcast, “gwot.rocks: God, the World, and Other Things!” It is available on podcast players everywhere! Here is the link to the show’s home base for all its episodes: http://podcast.gwot.rocks/

    (Ctrl+click to follow the link)


    gwot.rocks home page

    Transform This City

    Transform This City Facebook


    Thank you for listening! Please tell your friends about us! Listen, share, rate, subscribe!

    Empowering Encouragement Now segments are based in part on C.H. Spurgeon's Morning & Evening Devotions (public domain.)

    ChatGPT is used to expedite research material for this podcast.

    Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture quotations are taken from the Christian Standard

    Bible®, Copyright © 2016 by Holman Bible Publishers. Used by permission. Christian

    Standard Bible® and CSB® is a federally registered trademark of Holman Bible Publishers.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    続きを読む 一部表示
    13 分
  • Burning Hearts, Shining Lights: Flourishing in God's Pupose

    A heart that burns produces a life that shines! The brightness of a believer's life flows directly from the internal firs of God's truth. Are you shining as a beacon hope, love, and truth in a dark world? This podcast will inspire you to flourish in God's purpose for every human being who wants it! (Correction: I said Paul was chained in a dungeon. The passage I was referring to says jail. It was not a dungeon. But, you know it was nasty! Only in modern times do prisoners live in clean, safe environments like the jails in the US! The prisoners in Paul's days would have had to use a chamber pot as a toilet. Its possible even that would have been limited, depending on the malice attitudes of the jailers! In Venezuela the people told me that the maximum prison sentence was 25 years for a man, and 26 years for a woman. The catch was , they said a person would not live 25 years in a Venezuelan prison- they were that bad!))

    DONATE You can help support this podcast by clicking our secure PayPal account. For donation by check, make payable to Transform This City, P.O. Box 1013, Spring Hill, Tennessee, 37174. “gwot.rocks” is a ministry of Transform This City, a registered 501(C)(3)

    The Four Spiritual Laws - how you can be born again and have eternal life?

    The Spirit Filled Life- how you can live each day in the power of God’d Holy Spirit!

    "Other Things with... " YouTube Channel

    Cut & Paste Personal Invitation to invite your friends to check out “gwot.rocks” podcast:

    I invite you to check out the podcast, “gwot.rocks: God, the World, and Other Things!” It is available on podcast players everywhere! Here is the link to the show’s home base for all its episodes: http://podcast.gwot.rocks/

    (Ctrl+click to follow the link)


    gwot.rocks home page

    Transform This City

    Transform This City Facebook


    Thank you for listening! Please tell your friends about us! Listen, share, rate, subscribe!

    ChatGPT and/or Gemini may be used at times to expedite research material for this podcast.

    Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture quotations are taken from the Christian Standard

    Bible®, Copyright © 2016 by Holman Bible Publishers. Used by permission. Christian

    Standard Bible® and CSB® is a federally registered trademark of Holman Bible Publishers.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    21 分
  • Flourishing Through Community: A Biblical Perspective

    As a kid growing up in the hippie 60s, I remember the big push for hippies to move to communes. They were wanting to reconnect with community that was being torn apart by the racial tension and Viet Nam war protests that littered the landscape. Being in Washington D.C. put me in the cross hairs of the movement. Their search for support and meaning didn't quite workout because their communes were built on the constructs of "men" like drugs, "free love", sex, and rock and roll. Yet, the Bible makes it clear the utopia they sought is really possible through BIBLICAL community. It is the seeds of eternity planted in the soil of this fallen world...a little foretaste of glory divine.



    DONATE You can help support this podcast by clicking our secure PayPal account. For donation by check, make payable to Transform This City, P.O. Box 1013, Spring Hill, Tennessee, 37174. “gwot.rocks” is a ministry of Transform This City, a registered 501(C)(3)

    The Four Spiritual Laws - how you can be born again and have eternal life?

    The Spirit Filled Life- how you can live each day in the power of God’s Holy Spirit!

    "Other Things with... " YouTube Channel

    (Ctrl+click to follow the link)


    gwot.rocks home page

    Transform This City

    Transform This City Facebook

    Email me gwot.rocks@transformthiscity.org

    Thank you for listening! Please tell your friends about us! Listen, share, rate, subscribe!

    ChatGPT may be used at times to expedite research material for this podcast.

    Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture quotations are taken from the Christian Standard

    Bible®, Copyright © 2016 by Holman Bible Publishers. Used by permission. Christian

    Standard Bible® and CSB® is a federally registered trademark of Holman Bible Publishers.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    11 分
  • Flourishing Through Ministry Pt.4

    Wow! In the beginning, I envisioned this series to be four part to prepare our hearts for a great year of flourishing. As I began to focus in on this subject, God began to speak so much more to my spirit. My burden for the state of the world in relationship to Christ's Church came into focus as I went further into the message. My prayer is that this message will spread across the globe. The total message of hope and flourishing in Christ against the present wayward, aimless earthly church takes on a prophetic tone, not of my creation. God desires to share His glory across the globe. He is waiting for us to come into alignment with His calling and mission so the world knows the salt and light of the vibrant, flourishing Body of Christ.

    DONATE You can help support this podcast by clicking our secure PayPal account. For donation by check, make payable to Transform This City, P.O. Box 1013, Spring Hill, Tennessee, 37174. “gwot.rocks” is a ministry of Transform This City, a registered 501(C)(3)

    The Four Spiritual Laws - how you can be born again and have eternal life?

    The Spirit Filled Life- how you can live each day in the power of God’d Holy Spirit!

    Voices From The Past Volume 1 & 2

    "Other Things with... " YouTube Channel

    Cut & Paste Personal Invitation to invite your friends to check out “gwot.rocks” podcast:

    I invite you to check out the podcast, “gwot.rocks: God, the World, and Other Things!” It is available on podcast players everywhere! Here is the link to the show’s home base for all its episodes: http://podcast.gwot.rocks/

    (Ctrl+click to follow the link)


    gwot.rocks home page

    Transform This City

    Transform This City Facebook


    Thank you for listening! Please tell your friends about us! Listen, share, rate, subscribe!

    Empowering Encouragement Now segments are based in part on C.H. Spurgeon's Morning & Evening Devotions (public domain.)

    ChatGPT and/or Bard may be used at times to expedite research material for this podcast.

    Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture quotations are taken from the Christian Standard

    Bible®, Copyright © 2016 by Holman Bible Publishers. Used by permission. Christian

    Standard Bible® and CSB® is a federally registered trademark of Holman Bible Publishers.

    At times, I also quote from the NIV version of the Bible - Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    10 分
  • Flourishing Through Ministry Pt.3

    This episode deals with sensitive thoughts that must be addressed if the flourishing of God is realized fully in our own lives, the life of the Church of Jesus Christ, and the world at large.

    DONATE You can help support this podcast by clicking our secure PayPal account. For donation by check, make payable to Transform This City, P.O. Box 1013, Spring Hill, Tennessee, 37174. “gwot.rocks” is a ministry of Transform This City, a registered 501(C)(3)

    The Four Spiritual Laws - how you can be born again and have eternal life?

    The Spirit Filled Life- how you can live each day in the power of God’d Holy Spirit!

    Voices From The Past Volume 1 & 2

    "Other Things with... " YouTube Channel

    Cut & Paste Personal Invitation to invite your friends to check out “gwot.rocks” podcast:

    I invite you to check out the podcast, “gwot.rocks: God, the World, and Other Things!” It is available on podcast players everywhere! Here is the link to the show’s home base for all its episodes: http://podcast.gwot.rocks/

    (Ctrl+click to follow the link)


    gwot.rocks home page

    Transform This City

    Transform This City Facebook


    Thank you for listening! Please tell your friends about us! Listen, share, rate, subscribe!

    Empowering Encouragement Now segments are based in part on C.H. Spurgeon's Morning & Evening Devotions (public domain.)

    ChatGPT and/or Bard may be used at times to expedite research material for this podcast.

    Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture quotations are taken from the Christian Standard

    Bible®, Copyright © 2016 by Holman Bible Publishers. Used by permission. Christian

    Standard Bible® and CSB® is a federally registered trademark of Holman Bible Publishers.

    At times, I also quote from the NIV version of the Bible - Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    10 分