
  • AiF 4: What Severance Has To Teach Us About Fasting

    Book a 20 minute chat with me


    In this episode, I talk about what The series Severance, starring Adam Scott and Patricia Arquette, has to teach us about how to make any kind of fasting an easier, more empowering experience.

    No spoilers included (I cover no more than the trailer) - and no need to have watched the programme itself to get something out of this episode.

    In Severance, employees of the ominous Lumon corporation choose to have a chip implanted in their brains that severs their work consciousness from the person they are outside the office. 

    I was inspired by this consciousness split to explore a problem that I see many people having with fasting.

    Imagine severing your consciousness every time you fast. You get to avoid the discomfort, because you have outsourced going through that discomfort to - let’s call them - ‘Fasting You’.

    This reminded me of a concept I heard the writer David McRaney talk about - Now You vs Future You. It is a kind of severance - minus the sci fi. On 1st January, millions allocate their health to Future You…the only problem being that Future You inevitably turns into Now You. You know Now You - they are the ones with resistance and minor obstacles like, er, life that get in the way of their goals.

    I talk about this and what I see as the alternative to this Now You vs Future You schism.


    Book a 20 minute chat with me



    Fasting Game Starter Guide



    Severance trailer



    Cheers now!

    Harriet Morris

    info (at) theshiftinside dot com


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    11 分
  • AiF 3: Life vs Intermittent Fasting

    It's easy to make perfect decisions on a Sunday night, when we are planning the week (especially if we have had a not particularly healthy weekend).

    But what happens when your priorities shift?

    Before you know it, it's Friday afternoon and you've had a rotten week, and there is a pretty unhealthy night out that you could go to to if you weren't being the paragon of virtue that you planned to be on Sunday night?

    Don't fall into the trap of putting that down to you being defective or a willpower weakling. There are more intelligent, more subtle ways to deal with this that allow you to both maximise your health and have a life. Now that sounds good!

    I go into more detail in this week's podcast episode (11 mins - I know you're busy) which you can hear here:



    Interested in one-to-one coaching? Book a call with me to chat about how I can help: https://hmorris.as.me/20

    Join the Facebook group here:


    Severance Trailer


    Harriet Morris

    info (at) theshiftinside dot com

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    12 分
  • Aif 2: Post Its and Penicillin Lessons For Fasting

    Heads up!

    30th June is my first AiF talk free on Zoom. Grab the Zoom link: https://www.theshiftinside.com/secrets/

    Starring a comedian, a boardroom cliche...and Leo Tolstoy. Whether you're struggling with intermittent or 24hr+ fasts, this Zoom session with fasting coach Harriet Morris is a must-attend for you. 

    Why is it that we are designed by evolution to be able to manage without food, yet so many find fasting a struggle - one that never gets any easier? Find out why (hint: it's an entirely culturally manufactured lie that you can opt out of today) . I will give you a new way to think about the challenge of fasting that will get you out of the struggle trap quicker than you can say "Bye Bye diabetes, autoimmune disease and many, many more". 

    Grab the link here: https://www.theshiftinside.com/secrets/


    In this rocket-fuelled episode I talk about what post its and penicillin have to teach us about intermittent and extended day fasting.


    Join the Facebook group 



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  • AiF 1: Adventures in Fasting Trailer

    Heads up!

    30th June is my first talk free on Zoom; The Secret To No-struggle Fasting. Make sure you get your link here https://www.theshiftinside.com/secrets/

    Welcome to Adventures in Fasting (formally Motivational fasting) I'm Harriet Morris, and whether you're looking to start your very first intermittent fast this week, or you want to optimise your extended day fasting, you've come to the right place.

    Think of each episode as a rocket fuelled booster pack for your motivation.

    We are designed by mother nature to be able to fast, but I've noticed that human beings make fasting so much more difficult than it needs to be.

    I have been coaching binge eating and sugar addicts for over 8 years and now I want to help you leverage the greatest tool for health available - fasting - in whatever form works for you. 

    The great news is that while it is a challenge, it doesn't have to be a struggle.

    Do it right, and fasting can get easier the more you do that. 

    How? by stopping struggling and turning it into an adventure.

    Join the Facebook group 



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    3 分
  • 14: What David Bowie Teaches Us About Fasting

    Heads Up! https://www.theshiftinside.com/fasting-game/
    This podcast is soon to be changing its name to The Fasting Game

    Get your free Starter Guide to The Fasting Game at the above link.

    Amateur sounding vocalist…not outstanding…a singer devoid of personality…not particularly exciting.
    -BBC audition report for David Bowie and his band The Lower Third, from 1965

    Four years before David Bowie exploded onto the pop scene in 1969 with Space Odyssey, this is what BBC music executives thought of his musical talent. 

    However, when we think of Bowie, we think: cultural icon, rock god, towering musical influence, edgy androgynous cultural boundary breaker.

    Bowie was so prolific that I have never met anyone who doesn't like at least one Bowie of his records. I don't think you can say the same about other musical icons of reinvention, like Elvis or Madonna.

    So what has Bowie got to teach us about fasting motivation?

    Here's what.
    Lesson 1: Triumph of The Ordinary

    Lesson 2: He Leveraged His Imperfection

    Lesson 3: His Why Was Bigger Than His Fears

    In this episode, find out exactly how Bowie did all of these and the link with you making intermittent or extended day fasting easier and more motivating.

    Harriet Morris

    Info (at) theshiftinside dot com

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    14 分
  • #12: Muggles

    Heads Up! What are your fasting and intermittent fasting problems? I would love to chat informally with you, so if you a spare 15 min let's set it up. Email me info {at} theshiftinside.com

    In the Harry Potter series, the term muggle is used to identify non-magical folk. It is no coincidence that boy wizard Harry's muggle relatives, The Dursleys, are not only non-magical, but so straightlaced you can almost see their metaphorical straightjackets under their clothes. They are more blinkered than a racehorse at The Grand National, and more small-minded than the Buriolestes schultzi dinosaur, whose brain was the size of a pea.

    For many years now, I have been using the term Muggle to refer to anyone who I find narrow-minded, lacking in curiosity and never questions their beliefs. 

    Fasting muggles are people who dismiss this awesome health tool out of hand. If you have had to face the derision of fasting muggles, you will know how demotivating it can be. You do your first day intermittent fasting and are super proud of yourself. Now tell a fasting muggle and watch them gleefully puncture your well-deserved excitement and pride in your hard work.

    You need to know how to handle these people, and I show you how in this episode.

    Once you liberate yourself from worrying about the irrelevant opinions of fasting muggles, you are free to maximise the transformative power of a life lived to the full.

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    20 分
  • What Spiderman Can Teach Us About Intermittent/Fasting
    “If you can’t be Spiderman without the suit, then you shouldn’t wear it”

    Tough love spoken by Ironman to his protégé in Spiderman: No Way Home. This sentence has hidden gold in it when it comes to making fasting and intermittent fasting work for you.

    I explain exactly how in this episode. We are also joined by James Bond and the cast of Back To The Future (well, sort of;)

    You see, it’s all to do with perfectionism vs imperfectonism.

    Most people are using perfectionism as a means to an end, and it is backfiring on them, and preventing them reaching their health goals.

    It’s like looking at a picture of The Venus De Milo and deciding because it has limbs missing that is worthless. Note that this work of art is estimated at $100 million. Not quite the box office of No Way Home, but nothing to sniff at.

    All is explained in this episode....


    5 Ways To Make Fasting Easier video series


    Interview with Dr Pradip Jamnadas


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    23 分
  • #10: My Fasting Vaccine

    Check out this weekend's - 15/16 January - Guided Fast at https://www.theshiftinside.com/guidedfast/

    More details below.

    Only a fool would say that fasting is a vaccine. However, some experiences I had in December with COVID – or should I say not getting COVID – gave me a great idea for a thought experiment on this topic. With the science firmly separated from Harriet’s creative thinking, let’s dive into the question of fasting as an immune booster.

    Motivational Guided Fast

    Join me the weekend of the 15th/16th January for an online Guided Motivational Fast.

    Whether it is your first time trying intermittent fasting for 16 hours, or you want to extend what you are doing now, this will help you if:

    *You are interested in the health benefits of fasting and intermittent fasting, but are scared of being hungry

    *You want to find a way to change this from a struggle-filled challenge to an intrepid adventure

    *You would benefit from having a positive supportive group to cheer you on


    Prep materials to get you thinking ahead about the most important things before your fast

    Six optional group Zoom calls over the weekend to suit a wide variety of time zones 

    Two inspirational audios - one to psyche yourself up and one 'in case of emergency' to use if you are struggling

    Optional Facebook group for the experience

    Find out more at https://www.theshiftinside.com/guidedfast/

    To paraphrase Helen Keller, fasting is either a daring adventure, or nothing.

    Join me this weekend to uplevel your health, and swap misery for marvelling at your own hidden abilities. Swap deprivation for laughing diabolically at your inner critic who says you're just no good at this. And swap self-doubt for self-discovery...of this innate superpower gifted to each and every one of us by evolution.



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