
  • 98 - 5 things to do when you feel like sh*t and 4 things you shouldn't do

    This week on Happily Ever After I'm sharing what I do on a bad day - almost like a checklist, so I know exactly what to do and I don't have to think about it - so I end the day better than I started it.

    It's 5 things TO DO and 4 things NOT to do. See what you think and let me know if I've missed any of your must do things for a bad day! DM me on instagram @hannahharveyUK or drop me a message through my substack: Hannahharveyuk.substack.com

    In this show I talk about...

    My spring events:

    • Re-emerge Spring Workshop: 10th March, 7-8pm (£15)
    • Yoga and Vision Board Evening Retreat - 14th March, 6-8:30pm (£58)
    • 6 weeks of Venus Yoga: starts 14th March 2025, 6pm (£90)
    • Spring Equinox Fire Ceremony: 21st March, 6-8pm (£47)

    Love Notes:

    • Love Notes Membership - includes meditation library, live meditations, 7-day Resets -
    • 7-days of Calm: Get the Day 1, 10 min meditation calming for FREE here


    • Book - Good Sugar Bad Sugar by Allen Carr
    • Thirlmere infinity pool
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    35 分
  • 97 - How to feel Enough

    Do you ever feel like you're not enough? Not good enough ... lacking in some undefined way. Me too! It's very common.

    Welcome to Happily Ever After, in this episode, I'm exploring the concept of 'Enough'.

    • what is enough?
    • am I enough?
    • am I doing enough?
    • how can we feel enough?

    For someone who never had enough alcohol... and now ZERO alcohol is enough. It's a weird concept for me and yet this feeling of 'Feeling Enough' lingers on.

    I had a profound experience at the Rebecca Campbell live event at the weekend, which has helped me to reframe the whole thing. Have a listen. Does this resonate with you? Get in touch and let me know on instagram @hannahharveyuk or through my website hannahharvey.uk.

    other things mentioned in the show:

    • Rebecca Campbell - Your Soul had a Dream, Your Life is it
    • Re-centre Yourself - 20min Meditation - come back to YOUR centre when you're being pulled off-course and connect to your truth.
    • Love Notes - my membership site over on Substack. Get live guided meditations, weekly challenges and more for only £8/month.
    • Re-emerge | Spring Workshop - Get clarity on what you want to manifest and step into Spring with confidence, joy and purpose!

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    23 分
  • 96 - building your support network for times of crisis (plus my 4 fave online resources for comfort)
    In this episode I share my thoughts on creating your support network.

    When we're in crisis—whether it's divorce, grief, anxiety, or panic—it can feel like we’re completely on our own, with no one to turn to.

    In those moments, our brains convince us that we’re isolated, without a friend in the world. But the reality is, we aren’t. That’s why it’s so important to build our support network before crisis hits.

    There’s so much more on this topic (because it's SO IMPORTANT) in my book, How to Divorce Sober. If you need more encouragement and permission to build your team, head there!

    I also talk about my not-so-secret love of online courses and how they’ve become an essential part of my support system:

    • When I’m too triggered to watch TV, I do a little workshop.
    • When I’m not sure what to do next, I dip into an online course.
    • When I need to breathe, I follow something from my yoga teacher’s online library.
    • When I need to shift my energy and get out of a funk… you get it. I do an online course.

    I also go for walks and chat with friends, but there’s something so comforting and familiar about learning from these people I’ve grown to love.

    In this podcast, I talk about: Claire Venus

    Creative mentor and all-round babe. She was on ep 43 (love and slow living) and 58 (back to school) and you can find her treasure trove of online goodies at Creatively Conscious and Sparkle on Substack

    Kat River - Art of Alchemy.

    Mother-centric business and life course that was truly transformational for me last. So many ah-ha moments, it helped to get through my book publishing fears and I loved doing it with my pal, Claire. We'd send each other long voice notes about what came up for us. Super bonding!

    I've never seen motherhood and business being spoken about at all, never mind in such an insightful and practical way.

    Just magic! The live round starts again on 27th Feb 2025 so have a look now so you don't miss it: Art of Alchemy.

    Leonie Dawson

    Incredible teacher who's been around forever so I'm sure you already know her! But boy do I love her. Such wise, brave, sensible, encouraging, get-your-head-out-your-own-butt tough love. Just what we all need from time to time!

    The first course I did: Money manifesting and multiple streams of income

    She's done hundreds of courses so now I'm in her Biz & Life Academy as you get everything for a fraction of the cost.

    Jambo Dragon

    Yoga with intention, online courses for the soul, magic that works... I've been subscribed to Jambo's online world for about 5 years now and couldn't live without him. I tried. Those months were rough.

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    32 分
  • 95 - 5 reasons you don't meditate and why they're BS

    **Trigger warning: I talk about the death of my pet**

    This episode is named with all the loving kindness there is because these are MY excuses!

    I've been meditating FOR YEARS and have recently taken extra training so I can teach it even better.

    AND YET, we all have the same excuses as to why we don't do these things.

    Even though Meditating is one of the easiest, cheapest and most incredible mental health tools there are.

    Here to get us all out of our own ways I give you 5 excuses that just really don't wash.

    In the episode I talk about:

    • my Love Notes Membership on substack, which you can find here: https://hannahharveyuk.substack.com/
    • The Love Notes Reset - 7 Days of Calm is here.
    • The URL to get 1 months FREE access to Love Notes so you can do the Reset for free - 7 Days of Calm is here: https://hannahharveyuk.substack.com/valentines
      • This link will expire on 13th Fab 2026 so even if you're listening to this later in the year, you can still use it. Valentines pressies keep giving 🫶
    • The Meditation training I did was with Jambo Dragon, find him here: https://jds.jambodragon.com/
    • My book is How to Divorce Sober here
    • The episode with Josie Baxter is here: 18 - JB on healthy, fitness and public heartbreak
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  • 94 - coparenting success and boundaries to protect yourself during a high-conflict divorce

    Hot off the back of a super, grown up and mature birthday party for my youngest, where both parents AND our new partners were present, co-parenting has been very much on my mind, so for what it's worth, here are my thoughts on the matter!

    I talk about why I don't like the term narcissist.

    And share my boundaries that helped me keep communication alive during a high conflict divorce and why it was so important to me.

    I also share the exact words I was using every morning to manifest the best outcome of the divorce for my children. It kept me focused during the court battles on what was important and helped me keep check of my motivations for everything (i.e. for them and not for spite!).

    you can read all my boundaries and survival tools for divorce in my new book How to Divorce Sober, available in audio, ebook and print here. If you'd like a signed copy, head here!

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  • 92 - 3 Essential Tips for Buying Your First House Post-Divorce

    Katie and I are talking about the fact we bought our own houses for the first time after our relationship break ups. We talk about the positives and negatives of this huge, grown up step and share our 3 essential tips for doing it successfully - 1 of which is very unlike me!!

    Show notes...

    I refer to a Brene Brown book which I completely forgot the name of... it was DARING GREATLY. Lol, as if I forgot.

    We also discuss moon cups at great length and would love your feedback on how you get on with them and any suggestions for Katie!

    The house discussion starts around 14 mins in as we have a lot to catch up :)

    You can contact me, Hannah, on Instagram here @hannahharveyuk, or Katie here @katiewomblingfree

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    42 分
  • 91 - c*ck-blocking your money with Rachel Smithbone

    On this week's episode of Happily Ever After, I'm joined by my business coach to talk about MONEY and how we are once again sabotaging ourselves from receiving more of it.

    Rachel talks about money as a spirit who wants to be with us and wants to flow through our lives. Love that! She explains the mindset shifts we can do (in a gentle and pragmatic way), that will really start to rewire the brain ready to spot opportunities and bring in more abundance.

    She also talks about the importance of understanding our shadows and how in fully embracing who we are, money (and the people who want to buy from us) love authenticity.

    We talk about:

    AOA - Art of Alchemy by Kat Rivers (all about motherhood and business and a course I did over the summer which I LOVED!)

    Money Magic - Rachel's course on changing your money mindset - come and join me, I'm doing it too!

    Human Design - this is a great intro place to start and if you want to go deeper head here << both are free to access your results (and then tell me, I'd love to know what you are!).

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    35 分
  • 90 - Understanding self-sabotage through our bodies with Rachel Smithbone

    Rachel Smithbone is back on the podcast!

    Rachel was on last August for episode 60 - trusting yourself and I highly recommend circling back to get the full flavour of how Rachel works as a shamanic business coach.

    I absolutely loved that chat and have since started working with Rachel as my coach, so in this conversation, we talk about some of the things my body has helped me understand in our sessions.

    From who and what the 'maiden' (first introduced in episode 46 - grieving the maiden) needs from me in order to show up in the world to conversations with a knot in my neck... this is work has been transformational for me!

    You can find Rachel on instagram here.

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