
  • Practicing Self Compassion (Ep 53)

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    Hi Huns,

    It's been a strange couple of weeks for me, my energy has been a little stuck, a little low, a little DGAF. We all have times like that and we can be so hard on ourselves when we have a little lull, can't we! Well that stops today! Lulls, tough days, plateaus in progress - they are inevitable on any journey, especially one as long and winding as your healing and self development journey! To build the resilience you need to keep going you must learn to practice self compassion! This is not self love, not self care, its compassion! Let me explain in more detail in today's episode - you need to hear this message angels x

    If you would like to show your support for the pod please leave me a review (if you are listening on Apple) it makes a HUGE difference to the pod's visibility and is the best way show your support or appreciation for the pod - please go ahead and like, rate and share the pod on socials too, all of this makes a big difference as well.

    Thank you so much,

    Sarah Louise x

    Join me in The 222 Club - My book club & best life cult! This monthly self development & coaching membership gives you everything you need to create your dream life for just £13 per month - click the link to find out more!

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    30 分
  • Dissonance, Disharmony & How Not To Manifest (Ep 52)

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    Hi Angels,

    This week we are talking dissonance - cognitive, behavioural, manifestation - all types (ok I made the last one up but it's a thing now ok!). Dissonance is essentially disharmony, so let's explore why we are sometimes saying we want one thing, but acting in a way that is in total opposition to it!

    I'll talk you through what dissonance can look like, how it might be showing up for you and how we can identify it in our own lives and begin to remedy it. Remember, we can't manifest our highest good if we aren't showing up in that energy, so let's sort our sh*t out shall we?!

    I hope you enjoy this episode, I think you will - It's 100% a message I need to hear too - so we are all in this together babes!

    If you would like to show your support for the pod please leave me a review (if you are listening on Apple) it makes a HUGE difference to the pod's visibility and is the best way show your support or appreciation for the pod - please go ahead and like, rate and share the pod on socials too, all of this makes a big difference as well.

    Thank you angels,

    Sarah Louise x

    Join me in The 222 Club - My book club & best life cult! This monthly self development & coaching membership gives you everything you need to create your dream life for just £13 per month - click the link to find out more!

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    31 分
  • Romanticise The Everyday (Ep 51)

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    Hi Huns,

    Let's get romantic, well not really, but let's start romanticising our everyday lives simply because we deserve to. In this episode I'll explain what romanticising your life means and why it's a worthwhile thing to do. Of course I'll also give you my top 6 ways to romanticise the everyday and want you to commit to doing one or two of these this week!

    The school summer holidays are almost over and us mamas need some me time and this is the perfect remedy to the self neglect, not a minute to yourself, rampant chaos that the last 6 weeks has been - so mamas this one is especially for you - listen up!

    I hope you enjoyed this episode angels I enjoyed waffling on for yous on this one - I'm clearly giddy with excitement school starts next week lol!

    If you would like to show your support for the pod please leave me a review (if you are listening on Apple) it makes a HUGE difference to the pod's visibility and is the best way show your support or appreciation for the pod - please go ahead and like, rate and share the pod on socials too, all of this makes a big difference as well.

    Thank you angels,

    Sarah Louise x

    Join me in The 222 Club - My book club & best life cult! This monthly self development & coaching membership gives you everything you need to create your dream life for just £13 per month - click the link to find out more!

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    32 分
  • Stop Sabotaging Your Manifestations! (Ep 50)

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    Hi Babies!

    Sorry to tell you this but... it's you, you're the problem babe! Stop worrying about when your manifestation will arrive, how it will get here and why it's taking so long! This type of energy is showing a distinct lack of faith in the universe and keeping you very much in the vibration of not having the thing that you want to manifest! Big no-no's!

    Let me explain to you why you need you to forget about the 3D and get used to operating from the 5D (I'll explain these concepts too) and put ultimate trust in the Universe to deliver your manifestation to you in the perfect time. I'll give you my top 3 tips to help you cultivate the faith you need and to keep you operating from the 5D. Enjoy huns!

    If you would like to show your support for the pod please leave me a review (if you are listening on Apple) it makes a HUGE difference to the pod's visibility and is the best way show your support or appreciation for the pod - please go ahead and like, rate and share the pod on socials too, all of this makes a big difference as well.

    Thank you angels,

    Sarah Louise x

    Join me in The 222 Club - My book club & best life cult! This monthly self development & coaching membership gives you everything you need to create your dream life for just £13 per month - click the link to find out more!

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    27 分
  • Using Scripting To Manifest (Ep 49)

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    Hi Huns,

    Let's talk about scripting - I use scripting weekly as part of my manifesting practices, it's such a great tool and is accessible to everyone, you literally just need a pen and paper and 5 minutes.

    Scripting isn't to be confused with journalling, so I'll explain the difference and when you might like to use each technique. I'll explain my process for scripting and how to get the most out of it (spoiler alert, it's energy related, but we could have guessed that!).

    Let's do a 5 day scripting challenge together this week huns, I will put all the details on my Instagram so come and follow me @manifestfirewithsarah and get involved!

    If you would like to show your support for the pod please leave me a review (if you are listening on Apple) it makes a HUGE difference to the pod's visibility and is the best way show your support or appreciation for the pod - please go ahead and like, rate and share the pod on socials too, all of this makes a big difference as well. Thank you so so much huns!


    Sarah Louise x

    Join me in The 222 Club - My book club & best life cult! This monthly self development & coaching membership gives you everything you need to create your dream life for just £13 per month - click the link to find out more!

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    24 分
  • Why You Need To Feel To Heal (Ep 48)

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    Hello Angels,

    The week we are in our feelings, or trying to be! I had an experience this week which led me to question whether I am suppressing feelings instead of allowing myself to fully feel them, and it got me thinking - how many of us are doing this?

    In this episode I will talk you through why it's so important to feel all of your feelings and why suppressing them keeps you separate from yourself and your desires. I will tell you what suppressing your feelings might look like, in case you aren't sure and of course I will give you some safe ways you can begin to allow yourself to feel the feels, even the scary ones, as this is how you heal them.

    I really felt called to talk on this topic this week and it gets vulnerable in parts, but I genuinely hope it helps someone listening to know it's ok to be triggered, to need to revisit things you thought you were over, to feel sad, hurt, angry - all of this is ok and you can, and will, move through this to a place of acceptance and connection. You got this, girl x

    If you would like to show your support for the pod please leave me a review (if you are listening on Apple) it makes a HUGE difference to the pod's visibility and is the best way show your support or appreciation for the pod - please go ahead and like, rate and share the pod on socials too, all of this makes a big difference as well. Thank you so so much huns!

    Feel the feels this week angels.


    Sarah Louise x

    Join me in The 222 Club - My book club & best life cult! This monthly self development & coaching membership gives you everything you need to create your dream life for just £13 per month - click the link to find out more!

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    34 分
  • Who's Reality Is It Anyway? (Ep 47)

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    Hi Queens,

    This week we are taking reality, or more accurately, reality choosing. Let's explore the concept of being able to pick and choose what you consider to be your reality. Delulu huns unite!

    We are going to get a little high brow in this episode huns and discuss some ancient Greek philosophy to illustrate the idea that what we perceive as reality is just a construct, and it is really up to us to give meaning and importance to what we see and experience in the 3D. I'll also give you a little homework exercise so you can get used to switching your perception to make your reality whatever you desire it to be.

    Also gang - The 222 Club - my manifestation membership and book club has kicked off! Join us this month as we read the amazing 'The Universe Has Your Back' by Gabby Beirnstein and all the other goodies including meditation downloads, webinars, workbooks and live zoom calls - all for just £13 a month, basically 40p a day - like I said, the value is f*cking wild for real!

    If you would like to show your support for the pod please leave me a review (if you are listening on Apple) it makes a HUGE difference to the pod's visibility and is the best way show your support or appreciation for the pod - please go ahead and like, rate and share the pod on socials too, all of this makes a big difference aswell. Thank you so so much huns!

    Enjoy the delulu this week angels - it's a way of life remember!

    Sarah Louise x

    Join me in The 222 Club - My book club & best life cult! This monthly self development & coaching membership gives you everything you need to create your dream life for just £13 per month - click the link to find out more!

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    26 分
  • Why You Will Always Be Your Best Investment (Ep 46)

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    Hi babies!

    Today I am hear to tell you why investing in your self is mandatory and why it will always be the best way to invest your time, energy, money, anything! You are the centre of your Universe, the star, the main character - you have to invest in yourself to become the fullest version of you - me and the Universe demand it!

    In this episode I will talk you through the difference between spending and investing, how being intentional can transform any activity from a spend to an investment and why investing in you is vital if you want to even get close to being who you were born to be. I'll talk you through what my self investment journey involved and some of my favourite ways to invest in myself to get closer to being the most expansive, most fulfilled, bad b*tch version of myself - all things you can begin to do right now too!

    I'm also giving you all the juicy details on how you can invest in yourself by joining my self development membership - The 222 Club - you won't believe everything this membership includes for just £13 a month - the value is f*cking wild for real!

    I really hope you guys enjoy the episode and find something valuable in it - If you would like to show your support for the pod please leave me a review (if you are listening on Apple) it makes a HUGE difference to the pod's visibility and is truly the best gift you can give me to show your support or appreciation for the pod - please go ahead and like, rate and share the pod on socials, all of this makes a big difference too. Thank you so so much.

    Remember, keep your eyes on my Instagram, @manifestfirewithsarah, to be in the know when the Patreon is ready for The 222 Club sign ups, I don't want any of you missing out!

    Stay in your vital, sacred, beautiful energy this week huns - it is the source of everything you want to create - remember that.

    Sarah Louise x

    Join me in The 222 Club - My book club & best life cult! This monthly self development & coaching membership gives you everything you need to create your dream life for just £13 per month - click the link to find out more!

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    36 分