
  • What They Don't Teach You In School About Creating Wealth | Abhi Golhar - 046

    Real estate investing isn’t a short-term strategy to create wealth; it’s a long-term game. But how can someone get started making progress? Today’s guest, Abhi Golhar, is here to answer our questions. A much-sought-after voice in real estate investment and entrepreneurship, Abhi has written for publications like Forbes, Inc. and the Huffington Post. So we’re thrilled to learn from him how to expand our wealth through real estate investing.

    Say you have a few grand saved up. What next?

    • How can you be empowered to solve the problem if you don't even know what the problem is? (Hint: you can’t.)
    • If you’re in college looking to the future, recognize you have time on your side. Don’t go all-in on something you don’t understand. 
    • Understand the type of investor you want to be because it takes money to make money.
    • Don’t take crazy risks; just save wherever possible and focus on understanding the market.

    The game of education is a game of finance. 

    • If you’re young, put yourself in a position to do something with it. Don’t let the classroom be your limiting factor. 
    • For real estate investing, start in a city with a relatively low cost of living and flip houses with a low purchase price.
    • Partner with people who understand debt, equity, and bank financing so you can learn and be set up for future success.

    How to knowledgeably invest in property:

    • If you are overpaying for property and assume the market will increase by the same amount each year, you’re making an impulsive decision.
    • Make data-backed buying decisions. Buy within your price range and don’t go over 120-150% of the list price. (Because that’s where people start to run into trouble.)
    • Real estate is not a get-rich-quick situation - it’s planning to create something great for the future.

    Abhi’s advice to his younger self? It’s okay to break up with relationships that don’t make sense, including your relationship with yourself.

    Be Better Episode Resources:

    • Read his book “Make It Rain,” available on Amazon. (Or, email hello@abhigolhar.com to receive a free copy!)
    • Connect with Abhi on Instagram, LinkedIn, or visit his website.
    • Listen to Abhi’s podcast, the Think Realty Podcast.
    • Like, subscribe, and listen to the Be Better podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and anywhere else podcasts can be found.

    You can help build a better world.

    Help Better Homes and Gardens fight homelessness across the world by donating at bhgre.com/newstory. With a goal to raise $100,000 by the end of 2022, your contributions will go directly to supporting those affected and helping build a world with homes for everyone.

    This episode is brought to you in part by Better Homes and Gardens® Real Estate.

    Looking for a new role that allows you to become your own boss, create your own schedule, and have excellent income potential without the headache of starting a new business? Become an agent with Better Homes and Gardens® Real Estate, an American icon trusted in all things related to the home. Explore career options at bhgrecareer.com/.

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  • 5 Ways To Increase Your Mental Strength In The New Year | Donald Kelly - 045

    Over the past few years, we’ve ALL noticed just how important mental health is. In today’s episode of the Be Better podcast, our host Donald Kelly goes over 5 different ways YOU can improve your mental health going into 2023.


    The 80/20 Rule


    • The 80/20 rule is a simple, but a POWERFUL rule to keep in mind and follow. The rule states: 80 percent of your success, whether that be income or something else, comes from only 20 percent of your effort.
    • What this means for YOU as a seller is: Focus on that 20 percent. Whether that be networking, cold calls, finalizing deals, whatever it is, really HONE In on that in this new year. Maximize that 20 percent of your effort and you’ll maximize your profits.




    • You’ve undoubtedly heard how important exercise is for your physical health. But it’s also VITAL for mental health. Working out improves your mood, increases self-confidence, and releases dopamine, among COUNTLESS other mental benefits.


    • You don’t have to do insane exercises to reap the benefits of physical activity. Something as simple as walking or doing a few push-ups is enough to start boosting your mood. Go lift some weights, go for a walk or run, ride a bike, or just do SOMETHING to elevate your heart rate. You’ll thank yourself.



    Stop Comparing Yourself to Others


    • One of the QUICKEST ways to drain your mental health is to endlessly compare yourself to others and what they post on social media.
    • You have to keep in mind that what you see on social media isn’t the COMPLETE story. Top-level influencers romanticize their lives to an insane degree, but they don’t live like that 24/7. Think again of the 80/20 rule. You’re not seeing the full picture.
    • You also have to remember: EVERYONE has a different journey in life. We’re all at different points in that journey. Why compare yourself to the CEO of some company who’s been in the market for 5 years, when you just began yours?


    Schedule Me Time


    • Another VITAL aspect of maintaining your mental health is ensuring you have proper breaks.
    • Schedule some time within your day to just relax and focus on what you want to focus on. It could be something as simple as lying on the ground in the dark or going out for a walk. Do something to take yourself away from work and decompress.


    Have Someone to Talk to


    • The final tip Donald has is to make SURE you have someone to talk to about your problems. Facing challenges and issues alone is never healthy and can make those issues worse.
    • Whether it’s a therapist, counselor, or just someone you trust, make sure you can talk to someone. It takes the edge off of situations and prevents you from just bottling up your emotions.

    Be Better Episode Resources:

    • Follow our host, Donald Kelly, on Instagram and Tik Tok. 

    Like, subscribe, and listen to the Be Better podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and anywhere else podcasts can be found.

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    16 分
  • My Number 1 Planning Strategy For 2023 That You Should Borrow | Donald Kelly - 044

    Reflecting on how you did at the end of the year can help you identify what your strengths and weaknesses are, and how you can improve on your weaknesses. In today’s episode of the Be Better Podcast, our host Donald Kelly tells you what his biggest change for 2023 is, as well as how and why you should implement it.


    Identify and utilize a keyword.


    • Reflect on what you did good in and what you did bad in throughout the past year. What are some commonalities between things you struggled with? Identify a keyword all of those struggles used and focus on it in 2023.


    Survey people around you to find your keyword.


    • Take advantage of your relationships! Donald likes to survey his friends and family to get more insight on where his strengths and weaknesses lie. This lets him better key in on a focus word and strengthen his abilities as a seller.


    Find a worthwhile mentor.


    • Anyone who strives for success has undoubtedly heard the quote “You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with.”. So find people who share similar goals to you. A mentor, especially, can be a useful resource. Ask if someone successful in your field will mentor you and spend time learning from them.


    Make your goals tie back to your keyword.


    • Once you have your keyword or theme identified, you have to act on it. Make your actions and goals align with whatever your keyword is so you can improve ON said keyword.

    Be Better Episode Resources:

    • Follow our host, Donald Kelly, on Instagram and Tik Tok. 
    • Like, subscribe, and listen to the Be Better podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and anywhere else podcasts can be found.

    You can help build a better world.

    Help Better Homes and Gardens fight homelessness across the world by donating at bhgre.com/newstory. With a goal to raise $100,000 by the end of 2022, your contributions will go directly to supporting those affected and helping build a world with homes for everyone.

    This episode is brought to you in part by Better Homes and Gardens® Real Estate.

    Looking for a new role that allows you to become your own boss, create your own schedule, and have excellent income potential without the headache of starting a new business? Become an agent with Better Homes and Gardens® Real Estate, an American icon trusted in all things related to the home. Explore career options at bhgrecareer.com/.

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    14 分
  • 5 Trend New Agents Must Adopt In 2023 To Land New Clients | Donald Kelly - 043

    As a new agent you are entering challenging times. However, there are always opportunities out there waiting for you to pounce on. It may be overwhelming with higher interest rates and inflation, but see the trends below you need to adopt today be successful. Through this episode you will learn how you can stand out and improve your game.

    1. Green Market.
    • Get educated on the green resources in your area.
    • Buyers are willing to spend more.
    • Look at the marketplace.
    • 24% of new buyers are millennials coming into the market.
    • Be familiar with alternative grass, solar panels, etc.
    • Focus on all aspects that are green in your listings
    1. Be a guest on a podcast.
    • You are the tech savvy generation.
    • Podcast in your community.
    • Look for podcasts in your niche.
    • Reach out to 1-2 podcasts a day.
    • Suggest a topic and ask what is the criteria to come on their show.
    1. Post daily on social media.
    • TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn – whatever is your preferred platform.
    • Share biggest mistakes that buyers make when buying a home.
    • People want to connect with humans that have helpful insight.
    • Be the trusted advisor.
    • Show videos of your listings and what you like about it.
    1. Collaborate with others.
    • Seek those who have the ear of your ideal seller or buyer.
    • Attorneys, recruiters, church leaders, etc.
    • Business community such as the chamber of commerce in your area.
    1. Up your referral game.
    • Ask your buyer or seller when you complete the sale for referrals.
    • Follow up on a consistent basis with valuable information and ask for the referrals.
    • Share tips – resale value, upkeep to the home, etc.
    • Follow your customers on social media, ask for an introduction.

    “In order to be successful, do the opposite of everyone else.” – Donald Kelly

    Be Better Episode Resources:

    • Follow our host, Donald Kelly, on Instagram and Tik Tok. 
    • Like, subscribe, and listen to the Be Better podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and anywhere else podcasts can be found.

    You can help build a better world.

    Help Better Homes and Gardens fight homelessness across the world by donating at bhgre.com/newstory. With a goal to raise $100,000 by the end of 2022, your contributions will go directly to supporting those affected and helping build a world with homes for everyone.

    This episode is brought to you in part by Better Homes and Gardens® Real Estate.

    Looking for a new role that allows you to become your own boss, create your own schedule, and have excellent income potential without the headache of starting a new business? Become an agent with Better Homes and Gardens® Real Estate, an American icon trusted in all things related to the home. Explore career options at bhgrecareer.com/.

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    20 分
  • 3 Ways To Prepare Financially For 2023 | Donald Kelly - 042

    One of the top concerns for young adults is the economy. How do you prepare? What can you do to meet the challenges of the future? Your habits are the gateway to reaching success. The following three practices will protect in the long run.


    1. Budget.


    • Tracking what is coming in and going out.
    • When you get a raise be strict and focused to what your future goals are.
    • Zero sum budget is when your income and expenses reconcile as zero.
    • Checkout: Dave Ramsey and Dasha Kennegy The Broke Black Girl.
    • 50/30/20 Rule – All Your Worth; balances necessities, wants and savings.


    2. How to set goals.


    • Where do you see yourself at the end of the year? Write down the emotion and feelings associated with what you want.
    • Check out: Atomic Habits to learn how to create habit and behaviors that serve and not hurt you.
    • Behaving as who you want to be will help you with those little decisions because you are focused on what you really want.


    3. Avoid unnecessary spending.


    • Is your car doing the job? How can you be smarter in your spending?
    • Spending less than you earn.
    • Using credit cards responsibly. Remember the money is not yours, it’s the banks and you are borrowing it.
    • Interest adds and never sleeps.
    • Utilize off-brands and thrift stores.

    Be Better Episode Resources:

    • Follow our host, Donald Kelly, on Instagram and Tik Tok. 
    • Like, subscribe, and listen to the Be Better podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and anywhere else podcasts can be found.

    You can help build a better world.

    Help Better Homes and Gardens fight homelessness across the world by donating at bhgre.com/newstory. With a goal to raise $100,000 by the end of 2022, your contributions will go directly to supporting those affected and helping build a world with homes for everyone.

    This episode is brought to you in part by Better Homes and Gardens® Real Estate.

    Looking for a new role that allows you to become your own boss, create your own schedule, and have excellent income potential without the headache of starting a new business? Become an agent with Better Homes and Gardens® Real Estate, an American icon trusted in all things related to the home. Explore career options at bhgrecareer.com/.

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  • 5 Ways To Show Gratitude & Serve Others This Thanksgiving | Donald Kelly - 041

    Thanksgiving is a great time to show gratitude for the things you have and the people around you. In today’s episode of the Be Better Podcast, our host, Donald Kelly, tells you 5 ways to show gratitude and serve others this Thanksgiving. Amidst all of the challenges going on in the world right now, there are still things to be thankful for. 

    1. Share a post on social media of something you are grateful for.
    2. Visit justserve.org and volunteer for a service project.
    3. Invite someone to dinner.
    4. Buy a meal for someone.
    5. Spend time with senior citizens at nursing homes. 

    In what ways are you expressing gratitude this thanksgiving? Let Donald know by sending him a message on Tiktok. 

    Be Better Episode Resources:

    • Follow our host, Donald Kelly, on Instagram and Tik Tok. 
    • Like, subscribe, and listen to the Be Better podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and anywhere else podcasts can be found.

    You can help build a better world.

    Help Better Homes and Gardens fight homelessness across the world by donating at bhgre.com/newstory. With a goal to raise $100,000 by the end of 2022, your contributions will go directly to supporting those affected and helping build a world with homes for everyone.

    This episode is brought to you in part by Better Homes and Gardens® Real Estate.

    Looking for a new role that allows you to become your own boss, create your own schedule, and have excellent income potential without the headache of starting a new business? Become an agent with Better Homes and Gardens® Real Estate, an American icon trusted in all things related to the home. Explore career options at bhgrecareer.com/.

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    15 分
  • 4 Reasons Why Millennials and GenZ Should Become Real Estate Agents In Tough Economic Times | Donald Kelly - 040

    No matter the economic climate, people are always going to need to buy and sell homes. In today’s episode of the Be Better Podcast, our host, Donald Kelly, tells you 4 reasons why Millennials and GenZ should become real estate agents. 

    1. You can do real estate on the side
    • As a real estate agent, you are working on full commission, which can make it difficult to jump into full-time. 
    • Doing real estate on the side will help you build a foundation of relationships before you go full-time. 
    1. You have the opportunity to take advantage of skills you already have
    • Utilize the network that you already have. As part of a younger generation, you have the advantage of knowing how to use social media to your benefit. 
    1. The capability to take advantage of market share 
    • Many individuals are stepping away from real estate because of the current economic conditions - take advantage of the drop in competition. 
    • Position yourself as an expert in the field by providing educational and entertaining content on social media. 
    1. Finding unique opportunities
    • You can focus on unique opportunities and take advantage to get your foot in the door. 
    • Look at foreclosures, expired listings, rentals, Airbnb properties, etc…

    Be Better Episode Resources:

    • Follow our host, Donald Kelly, on Instagram and Tik Tok. 
    • Like, subscribe, and listen to the Be Better podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and anywhere else podcasts can be found.

    You can help build a better world.

    Help Better Homes and Gardens fight homelessness across the world by donating at bhgre.com/newstory. With a goal to raise $100,000 by the end of 2022, your contributions will go directly to supporting those affected and helping build a world with homes for everyone.

    This episode is brought to you in part by Better Homes and Gardens® Real Estate.

    Looking for a new role that allows you to become your own boss, create your own schedule, and have excellent income potential without the headache of starting a new business? Become an agent with Better Homes and Gardens® Real Estate, an American icon trusted in all things related to the home. Explore career options at bhgrecareer.com/.

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  • 5 Things You Can Do Each Day To Strengthen Your Mental Health | Amy Morin - 039

    In today’s episode of the Be Better Podcast, Donald is joined by author and psychotherapist, Amy Morin. They discuss mental health and five things that you can do each day to strengthen your mental health. 


    Practice gratitude


    • Gratitude is something that we should practice each day. It doesn’t mean that you will be happy all day long, or not struggle with anxiety, but it will start to shift your mindset. 


    Get social support


    • It is difficult to connect with those around you. It is important to have someone in your life with whom you can talk about your real issues. 


    Pleasant activity scheduling


    • Put something fun in your calendar that you can look forward to. 


    Schedule time to worry


    • Block off time in your day to worry. Set a timer for yourself and worry as much as you want during that time. Research has shown that doing this consistently will help you to feel less anxious and focus more. 


    Move your body


    • Exercising your body is important for your brain. Exercise can be more effective in improving mental health than medication for many individuals.

    Be Better Episode Resources:

    • Follow our host, Donald Kelly, on Instagram and Tik Tok. 
    • Tune into Amy’s podcast, The Verywell Mind Podcast. 
    • Visit Amy’s website.
    • Like, subscribe, and listen to the Be Better podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and anywhere else podcasts can be found.

    You can help build a better world.

    Help Better Homes and Gardens fight homelessness across the world by donating at bhgre.com/newstory. With a goal to raise $100,000 by the end of 2022, your contributions will go directly to supporting those affected and helping build a world with homes for everyone.

    This episode is brought to you in part by Better Homes and Gardens® Real Estate.

    Looking for a new role that allows you to become your own boss, create your own schedule, and have excellent income potential without the headache of starting a new business? Become an agent with Better Homes and Gardens® Real Estate, an American icon trusted in all things related to the home. Explore career options at bhgrecareer.com/.

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