
  • Keep Going

    Episode 21. Keep Going

    Seems like the right time to talk about how... to... keep... going. Coaches Bennett will go over some of their top tips for maintaining an effort, continuing a streak, resolving to keep working on a resolution, recommitting to a commitment. They also talk dragons, continents turning to mud, Severance, Ted Lasso, books, the power of community, overwhelmingly big cactus and so much more.

    Cheers and thank you for listening to the show!
    tammie and chris

    PS: We hope you follow/subscribe to the show on the platform you listen to the podcast and leave a review and give a rating. Thank you ahead of time!

    send questions to our mailbag and we'll answer them on the show :
    9220 SW Barbur Blvd, STE 119, #322 Portland OR 97219

    Get all the details about the Best Runner Ever Winter Edition and Best Runner Ever Summer Edition programs and learn how you can be a part of it here: https://showupsociety.com/brewe

    be sure to check out the Two Coach Bennetts Merch Store for t-shirts, hoodies, coffee mugs, pint glasses and more! - https://twocoachbennetts.com/merch

    for more coach chris bennett
    instagram - https://instagram.com/coachbennett

    for more coach tammie bennett
    instagram - https://instagram.com/showupsociety
    website - https://showupsociety.com
    the show up society podcast
    join the show up society community https://showupsociety.com/tsus

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    48 分
  • You Can Call It A Comeback!

    Episode 20. You Can Call It A Comeback!

    Happy New Year! Welcome to 2025! We're back!
    That's right. Two Coach Bennetts Talking is making a comeback. After no new episodes dropping in 2024 we're hitting the ground in the new year running. Listen in as the two coaches discuss a few of their goals for 2025, a few shows that they can't get enough of, some big news about the Best Runner Ever program (check out the links below), and so much more. Thank you for being a part of this community and thank you for listening. We hope you enjoy the NEW episode.

    tammie + chris

    send questions to our mailbag and we'll answer them on the show :
    9220 SW Barbur Blvd, STE 119, #322 Portland OR 97219

    Get all the details about the Best Runner Ever Winter Edition and Best Runner Ever Summer Edition programs and learn how you can be a part of it here: https://showupsociety.com/brewe

    be sure to check out the Two Coach Bennetts Merch Store for t-shirts, hoodies, coffee mugs, pint glasses and more! - https://twocoachbennetts.com/merch

    for more coach chris bennett
    instagram - https://instagram.com/coachbennett

    for more coach tammie bennett
    instagram - https://instagram.com/showupsociety
    website - https://showupsociety.com
    the show up society podcast
    join the show up society community https://showupsociety.com/tsus

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    37 分
  • The Magic of Cross Country & Best Runner Ever Returns!

    Episode 19. The Magic of Cross Country & Best Runner Ever Returns!

    The Coaches Bennett wax poetic about the magic of cross country. We're talking about the high school Nike Cross Regionals and NCAA XC Regionals and NCAA XC Championships and the races and the chaos that surrounds being a fan of this greatest of sports. Yes, we totally geek out about the awesome races we watched and cheered on. We also talk about what's floating our fancies... be prepared to bask in our nerdiness. And... drumroll please....

    Finally! BRE is back! So get ready, get excited and get signed up for Best Runner Ever: Winter Edition. Be sure to follow coach tammie and/or Coach Chris on their social media so you don't miss the announcement when doors open. (scroll to the bottom of these show notes to find links for both coaches).
    Remember, there is a special Black Friday deal that lasts from November 24th through November 27th. Not only do you get a discount if you register between those dates but you also gain access to a special group zoom call! So be sure to sign up!

    Cheers and thank you for listening to Two Coach Bennetts Talking and enjoy this incredible episode!

    Here are some amazing links for you:

    Watch the entire Men's NCAA XC Championships

    Watch the entire Women's NCAA XC Champioonships


    NCAA Champion Graham Blanks of Harvard post-race interview (different one from the one tammie loves)

    NCAA Women's Champ Parker Valby of Florida post-race interview

    NC State Coach Laurie Henes talks about the Wolfpack battling for each other & win!

    tammie wants me to link to her favorite planner as discussed in the episode - golden coil planners

    send questions to our mailbag and we'll answer them on the show :
    9220 SW Barbur Blvd, STE 119, #322 Portland OR 97219

    Get all the details about the Best Runner Ever Winter Edition and Best Runner Ever Summer Edition programs and learn how you can be a part of it here: https://showupsociety.com/brewe

    be sure to check out the Two Coach Bennetts Merch Store for t-shirts, hoodies, coffee mugs, pint glasses and more! - https://twocoachbennetts.com/merch

    for more coach chris bennett
    instagram - https://instagram.com/coachbennett

    for more coach tammie bennett
    instagram - https://instagram.com/showupsociety
    website - https://showupsociety.com
    the show up society podcast
    join the show up society community https://showupsociety.com/tsus

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    49 分
  • A Whole Lotta Nothing

    ep 18 - A Whole Lotta Nothing

    Join coach tammmie and Coach Chris as they talk about... nothing? Well, at least they talk about nothing in particular. Episode 18 has no theme on purpose... it's themeless but not thoughtless. And this kind of nothing really is something else. Weight lifting and the question of whether or not 11 lbs. dumbells exist or not, some great book talk, Taylor and Travis obviously, some lost at sea meal planning, and so much more makes this episode a whole lotta of nothing... a whole lotta fun. We hope you enjoy it!

    Some links for your pleasure!

    Check out the latest Rolling Stones song - Angry

    Read the great books by Lyndsay Faye!

    The dangers of drinking salt water

    Full timeline of the Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce relationship

    Check out these 11 lbs dumbells... that exist

    send questions to our mailbag and we'll answer them on the show :
    9220 SW Barbur Blvd, STE 119, #322 Portland OR 97219

    Get all the details about the Best Runner Ever Winter Edition and Best Runner Ever Summer Edition programs and learn how you can be a part of it here: https://showupsociety.com/brewe

    be sure to check out the Two Coach Bennetts Merch Store for t-shirts, hoodies, coffee mugs, pint glasses and more! - https://twocoachbennetts.com/merch

    for more coach chris bennett
    instagram - https://instagram.com/coachbennett

    for more coach tammie bennett
    instagram - https://instagram.com/showupsociety
    website - https://showupsociety.com
    the show up society podcast
    join the show up society community https://showupsociety.com/tsus

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    34 分
  • Two Weeks

    ep. 17 - Two Weeks

    coach tammie and coach chris are back after two weeks. get used to it because two coach bennetts talking is now going to roll out every two weeks. this episode talks about the importance of great communities and specifically about the growing show up society community and the community that was found at the chicago marathon this past weekend. as always you get some petty grievances and hear about what's floating both coach bennetts fancies. so press start and start having a great time because episode 17 is exactly that.

    some links to investigate:
    watch and listen to coach chris and his pre-race message for the chicago marathoners

    check out Muji - where coach tammie got swag for her show up society community

    send questions to our mailbag and we'll answer them on the show :
    9220 SW Barbur Blvd, STE 119, #322 Portland OR 97219

    Get all the details about the Best Runner Ever Winter Edition and Best Runner Ever Summer Edition programs and learn how you can be a part of it here: https://showupsociety.com/brewe

    be sure to check out the Two Coach Bennetts Merch Store for t-shirts, hoodies, coffee mugs, pint glasses and more! - https://twocoachbennetts.com/merch

    for more coach chris bennett
    instagram - https://instagram.com/coachbennett

    for more coach tammie bennett
    instagram - https://instagram.com/showupsociety
    website - https://showupsociety.com
    the show up society podcast
    join the show up society community https://showupsociety.com/tsus

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    39 分
  • Belief Results In Results

    16. on this episode, the two coach bennetts are talking about how belief and consistently showing up for a goal will help you get results. we also talk about concerts, ghost towns, field events, women's distance running world records, and llamas. and of course we talk about our petty grievances, we open our mailbag, and we share what's floating our fancies.


    here are some of the links we mentioned:
    the replacements tim (let it bleed edition) - https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_lUVGaCFZboZP2ABJdoky-0yCkEvcvA85s

    foo fighters at sea.hear.now - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VNOm36LjvY8

    love is blind - https://www.netflix.com/browse?jbv=80996601

    send questions to our mailbag and we'll answer them on the show :
    9220 SW Barbur Blvd, STE 119, #322 Portland OR 97219

    Get all the details about the Best Runner Ever Winter Edition and Best Runner Ever Summer Edition programs and learn how you can be a part of it here: https://showupsociety.com/brewe

    be sure to check out the Two Coach Bennetts Merch Store for t-shirts, hoodies, coffee mugs, pint glasses and more! - https://twocoachbennetts.com/merch

    for more coach chris bennett
    instagram - https://instagram.com/coachbennett

    for more coach tammie bennett
    instagram - https://instagram.com/showupsociety
    website - https://showupsociety.com
    the show up society podcast
    join the show up society community https://showupsociety.com/tsus

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    37 分
  • Size (Not Always) Matters

    Ep. 15 - Size (Not Always) Matters

    Join the coaches Bennett as they talk about how size doesn't always matter when it comes to starting a project, developing consistency, taking on a goal, or getting across a starting line. (What did you think this episode was about??)

    Small can be the key to success. Especially when so much about success depends on being able to show up again and again. The Coaches also share what they've been up to and what's coming up as well their petty grievances and what's floating their fancies.

    It's a great episode We hope you love it and thank you for listening.

    Some links we think you'll enjoy!

    The New York Times Connections Game

    Swamp Kings

    It Ain't Over (Yogi Berra Documentary)

    D'Aulaires Book of Greek Myths


    send questions to our mailbag and we'll answer them on the show :
    9220 SW Barbur Blvd, STE 119, #322 Portland OR 97219

    Get all the details about the Best Runner Ever Winter Edition and Best Runner Ever Summer Edition programs and learn how you can be a part of it here: https://showupsociety.com/brewe

    be sure to check out the Two Coach Bennetts Merch Store for t-shirts, hoodies, coffee mugs, pint glasses and more! - https://twocoachbennetts.com/merch

    for more coach chris bennett
    instagram - https://instagram.com/coachbennett

    for more coach tammie bennett
    instagram - https://instagram.com/showupsociety
    website - https://showupsociety.com
    the show up society podcast
    join the show up society community https://showupsociety.com/tsus

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    44 分
  • We're Back!

    014. We're Back

    Two Coach Bennetts Talking is back! We've been away for three weeks. Some of that was spent on the east coast on "vacation". We're going to tell you why we chose to pause the show until we came back. This episode is about dropping the shoulda, coulda, woulda and owning your decisions and making sure you have your own back once you do decide to do what you do. We hope you love the episode. Thank you for coming back to Two Coach Bennetts Talking! We're so happy you're here with us.

    send questions to our mailbag and we'll answer them on the show :
    9220 SW Barbur Blvd, STE 119, #322 Portland OR 97219

    Get all the details about the Best Runner Ever Winter Edition and Best Runner Ever Summer Edition programs and learn how you can be a part of it here: https://showupsociety.com/brewe

    be sure to check out the Two Coach Bennetts Merch Store for t-shirts, hoodies, coffee mugs, pint glasses and more! - https://twocoachbennetts.com/merch

    for more coach chris bennett
    instagram - https://instagram.com/coachbennett

    for more coach tammie bennett
    instagram - https://instagram.com/showupsociety
    website - https://showupsociety.com
    the show up society podcast
    join the show up society community https://showupsociety.com/tsus

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    24 分