• Ep 43: Feet First: Foot Care For The Mountains

    Your feet are the only point of intended contact with the ground.

    Ensuring your feet are solid and able to handle the demands the mountain places on them, is priceless.


    1) What the foot is

    2) How to keep them healthy

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    21 分
  • Ep 42: Increasing Bow Poundage Do's and Don'ts

    Archers who don’t workout, plan to get stronger and bump up their poundage by simply shooting their bow.

    While this is very specific to your desired goals, you may be creating some imbalances. You're likely missing out on addressing deficits in your strength, and mobility, that could really bump up your draw weight so you can shoot further, or a heavier arrow.

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    13 分
  • Ep 41: Footwork Drills For Runners

    Speed work in your workouts as a runner is crucial for longevity of your career, and performance.

    I touched on sprinting to enhance endurance on an earlier episode.

    Plyometrics and footwork drills won’t just extend your career, but it’ll get you that half step ahead of the competition.

    Whether that competition is during a race, or in the elk woods.

    Being quicker, more fit, and more capable of getting around the mountain puts you a step ahead of most of the crowd so you’re ready to get after it.

    Tune in for the “why” and “how to” for speed work.

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  • Ep 40: How Long Does Postpartum Depression Last?

    Postpartum depression.

    Not something to take lightly since 10-20% of women experience this.

    As a women, you are not alone in this time of your life, as isolated as you may feel at times.

    As a spouse, you will experience this second hand and need to provide the type of support your spouse needs in order to progress through this stage of her life.

    Exercise and sleep have a huge role in the onset of, and progression through, postpartum depression.

    Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale


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    24 分
  • Ep 39: Does Squat Depth Matter?

    Squat depth is something that isn’t necessarily a skill God gave us, especially when we load ourselves with weight.

    It’s a skill I find myself coaching quite often in the clinic, and with my online clients.

    Our brain’s desire to get the job done, not necessarily caring about technique..

    Not just with squatting, but with all functional activity.

    Being human, we have imbalances.

    Usually, this isn’t an issue.

    However, when we aren’t aware of our imbalances, we can’t correct them, leading to greater imbalances, which then can lead to symptoms of some kind.

    In this podcast, I cover

    1. The goal depth to get to
    2. Why squat depth is important
    3. Modifications to help you get to the desired depth if needed

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  • Ep 38: Solo Adventure Safety

    Communication. Planning. Safety Nets.

    Communicate with your family/friends from home about your location and dates...

    But also, communicate with Fish & Game and/or Forest Service in the area you plan to go.

    Plan for the weather. Plan for poor circumstances. Plan for the worst, so when it happens, you're not up Shit's Creek without a paddle.

    Fitness. The single largest safety net a mountain hunter can give themselves. The highest quality gear doesn't make your two legs, heart, and lungs function any better. If you can't physically go, you're stuck in the situation. At that point, hopefully you've invested in solid gear to get your through the sticky situation.

    Imagine if you'd invested in your health/fitness prior to the hunt though?

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  • Ep 37: Squatting Knees Over Toes

    If you've developed knee pain, and have googled what to do, you've likely come across the Knees Over Toes guy.

    You've tried it, and your knee pain didn't get better.

    You've also likely tried physical therapy, didn't feel challenged, and stopped going because you weren't shown the value physical therapy can have in bettering your condition. They coached you up to say knees over toes was bad, and you shouldn't do it.

    In this episode, I talk about the blend of both.

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  • Ep 36: Stress and Fitness Progression

    Stress is inevitable.

    We all endure it..some better than others.

    How do you manage your exercise expectations and fitness goals through the tough, and smooth times?

    In this episode, I dive into a few different stressors, stress management techniques, and how to navigate your fitness expectations during times of high stress.

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